Publication Date: 2020-04-07
Practice Area: Wage and Hour Litigation
Industry: Technology Media and Telecom
Court: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, U.S. - NDNY
Judge: District Judge Frederick Scullin
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Lewis G. Spicer, Esq., Justin S. Clark, Esq., Matthew J. Blit, Esq., of Counsel, Levine & Blit, PLLC, Syracuse, New York,
New York, New York.
for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant: J. Scott Carr, Esq., Michael D. Kabat, Esq., of Counsel, Kabat, Chapman & Ozmer LLP, Atlanta, Georgia.
Attorneys for Defendant: William B. Hunt, Esq., of Counsel, Mackenzie Hughes LLP, Syracuse, New York.
Case Number: 5:13-CV-286
Telecoms Provider Denied Judgment as to TSRs' Exemption From Overtime Pay Requirement