Publication Date: 2020-03-26
Practice Area: Medical Malpractice | Wrongful Death
Court: Supreme Court, Bronx
Judge: Justice Joseph Capella
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Robert L. Sims, Jr., Esq., Stevens, Hinds & White, PC, New York, New York.
for defendant: Attorney for Defendant, Tavdy: Joan M. Ruddy, Esq., Brown, Gruttadaro, Gaujean, et. al., White Plains, New York.
Attorney for Defendant, Brookdale: Christiana M. Fraser, Esq., Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, et. al., New York, New York.
Attorney for Dr. Chaudhry: Julia V. London, Esq. Schiavetti, Corgan, DiEdwards, et. al., White Plains, New York.
Case Number: 306857/08
Elements of Relation-Back Doctrine Not Satisfied Granting Dismissal of Malpractice Suit