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October 31, 2005 | New York Law Journal

Claim of Ineffective Assistance Wins Doctor New Trial on Abuse Charge

4 minute read
February 27, 2004 |

Outside Counsel

Jeffrey E. Glen, a member of Anderson Kill & Olick, says that limited liability companies have proven to be extremely popular and raise interesting questions on which courts they can call home.
11 minute read
April 16, 2002 | New York Law Journal

Securities Litigation and Enforcement

I n the wake of recent events, legislators, regulators and prosecutors are busy formulating new remedies to address past ills and prescriptions to deter misconduct in corporate executive suites and in the nation`s securities markets. There are calls for and against legislation, debates as to the reasonable limits of corporate criminal prosecution and a clamor for reform. Where all this will lead remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: the Securities and Exchange Commission, on its own initiative, and at
11 minute read
March 21, 2003 | New York Law Journal

8 minute read
July 29, 2009 | New York Law Journal

Split Panel Rejects City 'Accommodation'

A Manhattan appellate panel has reinstated a claim filed by a former New York City employee who alleges she was fired when she was denied extended medical leave, but nonetheless took time off to obtain treatment for stage III breast cancer. The 3-1 majority found that the city's failure to engage in an "individualized, interactive process" to assess the plaintiff's needs and the reasonableness of her requested accommodation violated both city and state Human Rights laws.
6 minute read
January 10, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Mortgage Payment Ordered to Preserve Marital Assets

Broadway theater heir Eric Nederlander can be required to pay off half of a multimillion-dollar mortgage on a home he owns with his estranged wife Lindsey even though there has been no final allocation of assets in the couple's divorce proceeding, a unanimous state appellate panel has ruled.
5 minute read
February 14, 2002 | New York Law Journal

Securitization Provides Means To Protect Assets

SINCE THE mid-1980s, securitizations have increased at a rapid rate for banks and finance companies and have become an attractive alternative source of financing for corporate America. Securitizations appeal to a broad range of companies, large and small, in many different industries. Loan warehousing transactions are often a prelude to asset securitization, a form of "structured financing."
16 minute read
January 05, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Denial of Defendant's Bid to Proceed Pro Se Called 'Paternalistic'

4 minute read
May 19, 2003 | New York Law Journal

4 minute read
November 28, 2006 | New York Law Journal

'Filthy, Worn' Carpet Trumps State's Defense In Slip-and-Fall at DMV

4 minute read