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Judges Affirm Indirect Funding of Private Business by State Taxes
A divided Court of Appeals yesterday found that grants to trade organizations and public benefit corporations to spur economic development do not violate the ban on giving or loaning money to private enterprises.Firm Moves to Arbitrate Lawsuit by Former Counsel
The managing partner of Clyde & Co.'s New York office said the firm's evidence in the defamation suit includes "an email and photograph of a naked woman that Plaintiff circulated to certain female employees while working at Clyde," an allegation the former senior counsel denied, saying the firm was "grasping at straws."Deferred Prosecution Agreements: Standard for Corporate Probes
Steven R. Peikin, of counsel at Sullivan & Cromwell, writes that the year 2004 saw a continuation of the parade of indictments of corporate executives, as prosecutors continued to reach the top of corporate organization charts.Creditors Seek to Protect Interest in Artworks in Dreier Bankruptcy
Panel Finds No Evidence Pit Bull Involved in Fight With Shepherd Was Dangerous
An upstate town justice who observed that dogs are stupid and that a pregnant owner who took her pit bull for a walk showed poor judgment has been chastised by an appellate court, which overturned the justice's finding that the pit bull had showed itself to be dangerous by defending itself against a German Shepherd that picked a fight.View more book results for the query "*"
High Court Considers Spate Of Job Retaliation Disputes
Job retaliation challenges have arrived en masse at the U.S. Supreme Court as part of the largest onslaught of employment cases on the docket in years. The justices have decided two major retaliation cases in the past three years. This term alone, they have granted review in three cases, two to be argued in February and one - perhaps with the greatest potential impact of the three - as yet unscheduled.Law Enforcement Embraces Protocols on Videotaping Interrogations
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