New York Law Journal

Association of Law Secretaries Announces Annual Dinner

On Tuesday, May 2, from 6-9 p.m., the Association of Law Secretaries to the Justices of the Supreme and Surrogates' Courts, will hold its annual dinner at The View at Battery Park, One Battery Plaza, New York City.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

Collaborative Efforts Needed to Prioritize Mental Health in New York State

As we move forward, and as the 2023 Law Day theme serves to remind us, some of our greatest accomplishments and successes in societal progress and reforms have been achieved through civil discourse and the collaboration of our three co-equal branches of government.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Calling All Lawyers and Judges for Civic Duty

You likely have seen some of the dispiriting statistics: One out of two Americans can't name the three branches of our government. One in four can't name any branch. Only two-thirds of Americans vote in presidential elections, and only 40% vote in midterms.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Rules of Etiquette Indirectly Reflect Issues of Morality

More than 275 years ago, a young George Washington put pen to paper to copy down 110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior. Found in a copy book, the original source of these rules remains unsettled, although scholars note the similarity with a French Jesuit work on etiquette for young men originally published in the 16th century.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Embracing New Technology Provides Opportunities for the Legal Profession

Investing in the future of the profession has been a major focus of my year as president of the New York State Bar Association. The efforts to reach…
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Civility: What It Means, What It Takes

Law Day provides us with a special opportunity to consider those and other virtues more attentively, to reflect on our history and refine what we mean when we refer to these concepts, to recommit to shared values and prevent the erosion of their meaning.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Prejudgment Interest Accruing From Date of Accident: What Will This Mean for Residents, Courts?

This article provides a broad overview of the application of prejudgment interest in New York as it pertains to personal injury matters and discusses what the imposition of a "date of accident" interest-accrual means for New York state residents and the New York court system.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

The Ever-Changing Minefield of Employment Law in New York

This article will address some significant recent changes and new legislation that have recently become effective or will be enforced in the very near future. Also, this article will address a recent trend in wage-and-hour jurisprudence in New York with significant implications for employers.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Specific Personal Jurisdiction in FLSA Collective Actions: The First Circuit Stands Alone

This article surveys the context and history of personal jurisdiction in collective actions and outlines the current landscape of how courts assess personal jurisdiction in collective actions.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Litigants in Second Circuit May Soon Be Entitled To Automatically Stay Arbitration Pending Appeal

In the event a court denies such a motion and the denial is appealed, a simple, yet surprisingly unresolved procedural question arises: Is the case automatically stayed pending appeal? This term, in 'Coinbase v Bielski', the U.S. Supreme Court will decide that issue for cases governed by the Federal Arbitration Act.
9 minute read


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