New Jersey Law Journal

Thanks to Governor Kean

In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Gov. Tom Kean and former Congressman Lee Hamilton have suggested that a full investigation be conducted by a commission such as they chaired after 9/11. We sincerely hope that a commission is created.
2 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Are Social Media Companies Common Carriers?

The marketplace of ideas is not the marketplace for freight car space.
5 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Failure to Apply the Ex Post Facto Clause

Justice Albin, the sole dissenter, presented a convincing multi-part rationale that applying a penalty for the registration violation that was increased after the defendant committed the original crime was unconstitutional.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Marijuana Impasse Averted, But Unresolved Issues Remain

Unless these other related issues are squarely addressed, we are concerned that our elected officials are merely kicking the can down the road.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

In re Words: Loath to Forgo

There are a few words I see repeatedly misused even by smart, diligent, educated people whose living is partially based on their ability to express themselves in writing.
5 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Essex County Is in a Nearly Untenable Situation

OPED: This is a response, and call to action, regarding the judicial appointment crisis in Essex County. We, as attorneys, cannot surrender to cynicism and allow it to justify inaction on this important issue.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Ditch the Spell Check

Spell check is not infallible and we see too (not "to") often the same recurring errors in briefs. The basic principle here (not principal): proofread.
2 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Issue More Guidance on Use of Courtroom Visuals

Better control of the questionable use of virtual assists should be addressed in the court rules themselves.
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

What Young Lawyers Look for in Federal Judge Appointments

Experience, practicality and diversity are just a few of the qualities the Young Lawyers expect from the federal bench.
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Police Support Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez for US Attorney

OP-ED: Prosecutor Suarez has focused resources on reducing violent crime while building community consensus and pushing law enforcement to undertake meaningful reforms.
2 minute read


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