Publication Date: 2019-07-01
Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Personal Injury
Industry: Construction
Court: Georgia Supreme Court
Judge: Justice Warren
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Stevan A. Miller, Lisa Renee Richardson, (Drew Eckl & Farnham, LLP), Atlanta, Matthew D. Friedlander, Laurie Webb Daniel, Phil George, (Holland & Knight, LLP), Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Benjamin Howard Brewton, (Tucker, Everitt, Long, Brewton & Lanier), Augusta, Malissa Anne Kaufold-Wiggins, Hugh Brown McNatt, Brooke Walker Gram, Tyler P. Bishop, (Balch & Bingham LLP), Atlanta, David A. Dial, Carol Patrick Michel, Thomas J. Strueber, (Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, LLC), Atlanta, for appellee.
Case Number: S18G0876
Court vacates and remands decisions that had incorrectly applied the Georgia anti-indemnity statute.