Publication Date: 2015-02-27
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Northern District
Judge: District Judge David Hurd
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiffs: Lisa H. Blitman, Esq., of Counsel, Office of Lisa H. Blitman, New York, NY.
for defendant: Attorneys for Defendant Onondaga Social Services Department: Karen Ann Bleskoski, Esq., Deputy County Attorney, of Counsel, Gordon J. Cuffy, Onondaga County Attorney, Syracuse, NY. Attorneys for Defendant Oswego Social Services Department: Frank W. Miller, Esq., William J. Hathaway, Esq., of Counsel, the Law Firm of Frank W. Miller, East Syracuse, NY. Attorneys for Defendants Onondaga Nation and Shenandoah1: Joseph J. Heath, Esq., Joseph J. Heath, Esq., of Counsel, Office of Joseph J. Heath, Syracuse, NY.
Case Number: 5:14-CV-293
Cite as: Pitre v. Shenandoah, 5:14-CV-293, NYLJ 1202719003460, at *1 (NDNY, Decided February 17, 2015) 5:14-CV-293 District Judge David Hu