Publication Date: 2015-10-21
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District
Judge: Bankruptcy Judge Stuart Bernstein
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Kenneth M. Krys, in his capacity as Foreign Representative of Fairfield Sentry Limited: David J. Molton, Esq., May Orenstein, Esq., Daniel J. Saval, Esq., Marek P. Krzyzowski, Esq., Of Counsel, Brown Rudnick LLP, New York, NY.
for defendant: Attorneys for Farnum Place, LLC: Robert Juman, Esq., Scott C. Shelley, Esq., Eric D. Winston, Esq., Shane McKenzie, Esq., Matthew Scheck, Esq., Of Counsel, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, New York, NY.
Case Number: 10-13164
Cite as: In re: Fairfield Sentry Ltd., 10-13164, NYLJ 1202740221766, at *1 (SDNY, Decided October 13, 2015) CASENAME In re: Fairfield Sentry Limited, et al. De