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Troll Tracker Faces Defamation Suits
The Cisco lawyer who anonymously blogged about Cisco cases has royally irritated the lawyers on the other side. And defamed them, if a matched pair of suits are to be believed.Sales growth the big surprise on Wall Street
Companies have found a new way to surprise analysts: They're selling more stuff.8th Circuit Case Shows That Not All Directors Are Insiders
Section 101(31) of the Bankruptcy Code, the provision of the code that defines those who are insiders of a debtor, continues to generate litigation almost 30 years after its enactment.View more book results for the query "*"
Parties Reach $1.9 Mil. Accord Over Scaffold Failure
A scaffold failure has resulted in a $1.9 million settlement in Philadelphia County for a contractor who fell about eight feet, injuring his back, neck and left knee.In re: Musicland Holding Corp.v. Best Buy Co. Inc.
Retailer Broke Minnesota, Delaware Laws In Transfer of Millions Before Subsidiary's SaleTrending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
The Role of Evolving Support Structures in Optimizing Legal Talent
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Aligning Client Needs with Lawyer Growth and Profitability
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