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Alimony in Connecticut: A Rudderless Ship
The term alimony was first introduced to Connecticut statutes in 1877. Until its revision in 1973, the statute only authorized a husband to pay alimony to a wife. In 1973, the alimony statute was revised to become gender neutral.Alimony Decision May Have Unintended Consequences
Dan v. Dan, decided on Dec. 16, by a unanimous Connecticut Supreme Court, has generated an unusual degree of controversy and resulted in numerous heated discussions among family lawyers.Conn. Supreme Court Restricts Alimony, Limits Discretion
The Connecticut Supreme Court's decision in Dan v. Dan, 315 Conn. 1 (2014), places landmark restrictions on the rights of alimony payees. The court has changed the terms of existing alimony agreements and orders, and bypassed the Connecticut Legislature in limiting the equitable authority granted to trial judges by statute.Consciously Uncoupling: The New Divorce
Breaking up. Splitting up. Dissolving the marriage. Each phrase exudes destruction, the death of a marriage. Perhaps a change in perception can change the course of the divorce for a couple who does not wish to spiral into the chaos of litigation.View more book results for the query "*"
History, Bar Associations and Family Law
This year marks the 800th anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta in 1215. The American Bar Association and Law Library of Congress are celebrating this anniversary with a traveling exhibit that will educate lawyers and nonlawyers alike about the history of the development of the "rule of law."Two Am Law 200 Firms Seek Growth Through Mergers
Dinsmore & Shohl announced its acquisition of West Virginia's Huddleston Bolen on Tuesday, while Clark Hill absorbed the Rayndon Law Group in Scottsdale, Ariz.Prospective Client Sues Baker Botts, Alleges Confidential Email Sent to His Employer
A former Texas state employee filed a negligence suit against Baker Botts, alleging that the firm sent a confidential email to his employer after he contacted the firm about a potential whistleblower claim.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
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