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Courts Apply Same Old Rules to New Issues in 2013
In 2013, many novel civil litigation issues came before the trial and appellate courts of Pennsylvania for decision. Some of these issues were resolved and some were left open for another day, but one key trend that emerged was courts wrestling with technological advances like social media, cellphones and GPS devices in the legal spectrum.BP Sues Lawyer Over Oil Spill Claim Filings
BP PLC has sued Texas lawyer Mikal (MEYE'-kahl) Watts, saying he fraudulently claimed to represent 40,000 deckhands who lost money because of the 2010 oil spill.'Active Concealment' Constitutes Fraud Absent Duty to Disclose
The Commonwealth Court has ruled that under the Restatement (Second) of Torts, the doctrine of "active concealment" in the context of common-law fraud imposes liability on a party even where disclosure of information is not required by law, while fraudulent nondisclosure only applies where there is a legal duty to disclose.View more book results for the query "*"
Wells v. New York City Transit Authority
Bid for Rule 60 Relief From 20-Year-Old Ruling Was Not Brought Within 'Reasonable Time'Secret Inside BofA Office: Stall Needy Homeowners
Instead of helping homeowners as promised under agreements with the U.S. Treasury Department, Bank of America stalled them, say nine ex-Urban Lending employees.Buyer acquires Lauderhill warehouse for $820,000
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