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Delivering strategic value through legal operations
Until recently, legal departments havent had a specific role or individuals with the expertise to help general counsel deliver strategic value. Enter the Legal Operations Executive.7 worst practices GCs should avoid
If you're a new general counsel, you can learn a lot about avoiding worst practices from seasoned GCs and board members.9th Circuit allows gaming of Class Action Fairness Act
The 9th Circuit observed that a plaintiffs choice of forum must be given substantial weight, and that courts therefore apply a presumption against removal.Windows to the future: Talking with Microsoft's GC
Patent litigation consumes a great deal of time, energy and money, as companies such as Google, Apple, Samsung, HTC and others face infringement suits brought on by other tech companies.Achieving trust & transparency in the boardroom
These days, public companies are facing a host of new and complex challenges, but there are also some issues in the boardroom that never seem to go away.View more book results for the query "*"
Tour of Duty: Walgreens GC Tom Sabatino
Sabatino sat down with InsideCounsel to talk about his path toward the GC seat and the transformational journey his 110-person law department started on six months ago.Senate Blocks Patricia Millett's Nomination to D.C. Circuit
In a move that may reignite a debate over filibuster rules and the threat of the "nuclear option," the Senate on Thursday blocked Patricia Millett's nomination to the D.C. Circuit, throwing doubt on President Obama's ability to fill three vacancies on the key court.Trending Stories
Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates, P.C.
(470) 294-1674
Law Offices of Mark E. Salomone
(857) 444-6468
Smith & Hassler
(713) 739-1250
The Role of Evolving Support Structures in Optimizing Legal Talent
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Corporate Monitorship Advisory Services
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AI-Powered Deposition and Medical Record Summaries: Low Risk, High Reward
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Aligning Client Needs with Lawyer Growth and Profitability
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