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In Canada, Some Pipeline Plans Find Little Resistance
With the Northern Gateway oil pipeline slowed by controversy, other pipeline projects are moving ahead. It all depends on what's in the pipes.How the Magic Circle Lost the Battle for New York
Despite decades of effort and millions of dollars spent, the U.K.'s Magic Circle firms still haven't made a dent in the New York market.DLA Piper Australia Chair Heads to Gilbert + Tobin
Tony Holland is also DLA Piper's Asia Pacific finance head and previously served as chief executive officer of the former DLA Phillips Fox.Farewell iPhone, Hello Android
Here's what you need to know if you're thinking about swapping smartphones.View more book results for the query "*"
Convenience Stores Sue Over 50-50 Gaming Split
A group of convenience store owners are fighting a new state law regulating coin-operated video gambling machines that demands they give 50 percent of the machine's profits to the machines' owners.Supreme Court Says "Permanent" Restraining Order in Family Case Doesn't Have to Last Forever
"Permanent" protective orders for victims of domestic violence won't be so permanent under a recent decision by the Georgia Supreme Court.Amicus Briefs Duel in Ford Case at High Court
Dueling Amicus curiae briefs in the Georgia Supreme Court showdown over whether Ford Motor Co. should be punished for not answering questions about its liability insurance coverage boil down to two words: finality and fairness.Clerk's Office Employee Allegedly Stole Identity Information
A suspected tax fraud ring based in Houston, Texas, that federal authorities say secured $12.5 million in fraudulent tax refunds built the illicit scheme on identities, Social Security numbers and other personal information belonging to Fulton County jail inmates, according to court papers filed in Atlanta and Houston.Bar to Name Federal Prosecutor to JQC
The State Bar of Georgia on Saturday will name an assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted two South Georgia judges on public corruption charges as its newest appointee to the state Judicial Qualifications Commission.Trending Stories
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