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March 04, 2003 |

Florida's Gay-Adoption Ban Goes to 11th Circuit

The American Civil Liberties Union will argue today before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Miami that Florida's 1977 statute banning adoption by gays and lesbians violates their rights to due process and equal protection under the 14th Amendment. The ACLU says the law categorically excludes gays from adopting while evaluating other applicants on a case-by-case basis.
7 minute read
June 23, 2008 | National Law Journal


A court decision summary published on June 16, "First Amendment issue is 'live,' but not 'ripe,' " misreported the case's underlying facts. The matter arose after police arrested customer Stephen Downs, an attorney, in March 2003 after he refused to remove a T-shirt reading "Give Peace a Chance" while at a New York state shopping mall during the run-up to the Iraq war.
1 minute read
November 03, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

Closing the Deal

Being able to advise your clients on business issues and helping them to improve performance and profitability not only proves your value as a lawyer but also, more importantly, differentiates you from other lawyers.
8 minute read
September 28, 2010 |

After Landmark Supreme Court Case, Citizens United Group Finds Its Niche

In a pair of town houses less than 10 blocks from where the Supreme Court gave his group a place in legal history, David Bossie is making movies and cutting a path for a new art form: the nonpolitical political ad. Bossie is the president of Citizens United, a conservative group whose anti-Hillary Clinton movie in 2008 led to a landmark ruling this year, when the Court threw out parts of a 63-year-old law prohibiting corporations and unions from paying to air ads for or against political candidates.
5 minute read
October 02, 2006 | National Law Journal

Re-employing disabled veterans under USERRA

While most employers are familiar with their obligations under the ADA, the federal law generally prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of disability, many employers are unaware that even greater protections may be available to impaired or disabled veterans under the USERRA.
12 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book New Jersey Business Litigation 2025 Authors: Paul A. Rowe, Andrea J. Sullivan View this Book

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August 02, 2002 |

Report: Inequalities Persist for Women Judges Outside NYC

Though the role of women in the courts has increased markedly in the last 15 years, a report by the New York State Committee on Women in the Courts says there are still glaring inequalities, such as the lack of women judges outside of New York City. Those questioned for the report attributed the slow gains to too few qualified women candidates on the ballots and a public perception that judges should be men.
4 minute read
February 26, 2009 | Legaltech News

D.C. Circuit Delivers High-Cost EDD Lesson

The D.C. Circuit's ruling in In re Fannie Mae is a cautionary tale for e-discovery counsel that highlights the importance of understanding the issues and the potential scope of EDD before entering into any type of agreement governing the future conduct of discovery in the case.
9 minute read
May 07, 2007 | National Law Journal

2007 D.C. 20 � Ranked by D.C. Revenue

8 minute read
December 28, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

People in the News

James R. Ronca, a partner with Anapol Schwartz Weiss Cohan Feldman & Smalley, and Leonard A. Sloane, chairman of the litigation and personal injury department of Eckell Sparks Levy Auerbach Monte Sloane Matthews & Auslander, co-authored the latest edition of Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Insurance: An Analysis of the Financial Responsibility Law, second edition, published by the Pennsylvania Association for Justice. p
3 minute read
September 28, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Lawyer: Sept. 11 conspirator deserves new trial

RICHMOND, Va. AP - Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui's guilty plea was invalid because he was denied potentially helpful evidence and was restricted in choosing his own counsel, his lawyer told a federal appeals court Friday.A federal prosecutor countered that Moussaoui got exactly what he wanted when he ignored his attorneys' advice and pleaded guilty before the evidence he had sought could be provided.
3 minute read


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