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August 08, 2011 | Texas Lawyer


Families of four teens killed in crash get $1.5 million. Jury awards $938,600 to man fired after promotion denial.
5 minute read
December 01, 2009 | The Recorder

Gadget Gifts for the 2009 Holiday Season

This holiday season may not bring any revolutionary new gadget, but existing products are getting significant updates or new accessories that boost their appeal and performance. Author Alan Cohen highlights some of the most noteworthy new offerings for the gadget geek in your life.
10 minute read
December 31, 2007 | Texas Lawyer


New positions, honors, elections, awards and appointments on the Texas legal scene.
3 minute read
May 02, 2011 | Texas Lawyer

Spring Bonuses Pop Up at V&E, Akin Gump

Everything's coming up green for associates and counsel at Vinson & Elkins and Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Both BigTex firms, following a market move by many large New York City firms, will pay spring bonuses in May to associates and counsel who received 2010 year-end bonuses. Joe Dilg, V&E's managing partner, says V&E is committed to keeping associate and counsel compensation within the market range.
5 minute read
February 28, 2005 | Texas Lawyer

2004's Leading Verdicts and Settlements in Texas

The top 10 Texas verdict and settlement summaries of 2004 that were reported in VerdictSearch Texas, a Texas Lawyer affiliate. They are ranked by dollar amount.
23 minute read
June 04, 2007 | Texas Lawyer

New Deals

Clear Channel Communications to sell television group to Providence Equity Partners. Quanta Services Inc. to acquire Infrasource Services Inc. Valero Energy Corp. to sell refinery to Husky Energy Inc.
6 minute read
April 26, 2010 | Texas Lawyer

BigTex Combined Gross Revenue Drops in '09

Combined gross revenue of the 25 Texas-based firms included in Texas Lawyer's Annual Report on Firm Finance posted a rare decline in 2009 of 3.7 percent compared to 2008, and net income was flat. Thirteen of the firms boosted their net income in 2009, including Gardere Wynne Sewell. Stephen D. Good (pictured) of Gardere says his firm saw an increase due to some extraordinary contingent-fee income.
59 minute read
February 05, 2007 | Texas Lawyer

New Deals

AmeriCredit Corp. Acquisition Of Long Beach Acceptance Corp. from ACC Capital Holdings Corp. EXCO Resources Inc. to acquire oil and gas properties from Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Psychiatric Solutions Inc. to aquire Horizon Health Corp. Transcanada Corp. to sell pipeline, other assets to El Paso Corp. Pilgrim's Pride Corp. acquisition of Gold Kist Inc.
7 minute read
May 03, 2010 | Texas Lawyer

Raising the Bar: How Moms' Counsel Helped Form Future Lawyers

Regardless of whether lawyers win a $100 million verdict, close a huge international deal or fight the good fight in the criminal justice system, there is one person most attorneys should thank for their legal accomplishments: mom. Assistant Williamson County Attorney Melissa Hervey is pictured at left as a child with her mother Barbara Barbara in 1984. Barbara Hervey is now a judge on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
23 minute read
October 27, 2008 | Texas Lawyer

High Court Candidates Make Their Cases as Election Nears

With record voter turnout expected in a state that's not looking as red as it once did, lawyers who follow politics are asking: Can a Democratic candidate break through and win a seat on the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court? Three Republican incumbents on the Supreme Court will face off against three Democrats and three Libertarians in this year's Nov. 4 general election.
19 minute read