Meg Pritchard. Meg Pritchard.

Last week was a "hair on fire" kind of content week for me and some of my clients. My project list included finishing up bios for a client's integration of more than 20 laterals and the opening of a new office; finalizing presentation materials for a three-hour workshop one client was giving and CLE materials for a conference where another was speaking; editing the articles for the next issue of a monthly, multi-article newsletter; and polishing a video script so the design team could get started on the graphics in schedule.

Mid-afternoon one day, another project dropped into my inbox: A client alert reporting on regulatory rulemaking just announced by a federal agency. The client was adamant that the alert be sent out by the end of the day, and emailed me and the rest of the team repeatedly asking for updates and requesting priority treatment from the proofers and marketing team members tasked with formatting and publishing the alert.