• W. v. Chichester Sch. Dist.

    Publication Date: 2022-03-14
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania - Eastern
    Judge: District Judge Brody
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0271

    Hearing officer erred in denying parent's claim that district denied student her free appropriate public education and court found school district's procedural errors violated Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and §504 of the Rehabilitation Act by substantively interfering with parent's involvement in student's education and student was entitled to compensatory education. Partial judgment for parent.

  • Doe v. Perkiomen Valley Sch. Dist.

    Publication Date: 2022-02-28
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania - Eastern
    Judge: District Judge Beetlestone
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0227

    Students with underlying health conditions that placed them at risk of serious illness or death due to COVID-19 had sufficiently pled discrimination claims to be entitled to preliminary injunction that continued the school district's universal indoor masking requirement. Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction granted.

  • D.C. v. Pittsburgh Pub. Schs.

    Publication Date: 2022-02-21
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania - Western
    Judge: District Judge Horan
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0200

    Section 504 and disability discrimination claims could proceed to trial where there was a genuine issue of material fact regarding whether a school district had provided sufficient support for student's behavioral disabilities. Parties' cross-motions for summary judgment denied in part and granted in part.

  • N.H. v. Phoenixville Area Sch. Dist.

    Publication Date: 2022-01-24
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania - Eastern
    Judge: District Judge Bartle
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0068

    Parties cross-moved for judgment on the record in parents' action under the Individuals with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act asserting child's IEP did not constitute an offer of a free appropriate public education and seeking tuition reimbursement and court found district did not deny a FAPE, tuition reimbursement was not required and any delay in the IEP did not cause substantive harm. District's motion granted.

  • Johnson v. Nat'l Collegiate Athletic Ass'n

    Publication Date: 2022-01-17
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania - Eastern
    Judge: District Judge Padova
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0045

    Court granted interlocutory appeal on the question of whether NCAA division I student athletes could be employees of the colleges and universities they attended for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act solely by virtue of their participation in interscholastic athletics. Motion granted.

  • Eastern Univ. Acad. Charter Sch. v. Sch. Dist. of Philadelphia

    Publication Date: 2022-01-10
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: Supreme Court
    Judge: Justice Todd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 22-0000

    Commonwealth court properly affirmed board's decision to uphold school district's decision not to renew appellant's charter school charter because 24 P.S. §1729-A(a), when read in concert with the charter school law as a whole, set forth no deadline by which a school district had to complete the process for declining to renew a charter. Affirmed.

  • UrBed, Inc. v. Sch. Dist. of Philadelphia Bd. of Educ.

    Publication Date: 2021-12-20
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education | Non-Profit
    Court: Courts of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County
    Judge: Judge Patrick
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 21-1373

    The court argued its order should be affirmed where it denied plaintiffs' motion for injunctive relief because the motion was duplicative and procedurally improper.

  • R.S. v. Hempfield Area Sch. Dist.

    Publication Date: 2021-12-20
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education
    Court: Commonwealth Court
    Judge: Judge Brobson
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 21-1473

    School district appealed trial court's preliminary injunction ordering school district to provide student with in-person learning and court found trial court lacked reasonable ground to conclude student had a likelihood of success on the merits because settlement agreement between student and his prior school district could not nullify the adjudication issued by prior school board finding student was in possession of a weapon on school property. Reversed.

  • Propel Charter Sch. v. Sch. Dist. of Pittsburgh

    Publication Date: 2021-12-13
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education | State and Local Government
    Court: Commonwealth Court
    Judge: Judge Covey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 21-1434

    Petitioner challenged the denial of its multiple charter school organization application and the consideration of recent school performance profile scores not available at the time the application was filed, and court found considering an applicant's most recent SPP scores furthered the intentions of the statute by permitting State Charter School Appeal Board, or CAB, to more accurately consider the potential merger's impact on affected students and petitioner failed to meet the threshold requirements to qualify for MCSO approval. Aff

  • Propel Charter Sch. v. Pennsylvania Dep't of Educ.

    Publication Date: 2021-12-06
    Practice Area: Education Law
    Industry: Education | State and Local Government
    Court: Commonwealth Court
    Judge: Judge Covey
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 21-1421

    Petitioner appealed the denial of its appeal from a hearing officer's order and the denial of its multiple charter school organization application and court found department erred in finding petitioner had to first submit the MCSO application to the school districts before submitting it to the department, properly denied petitioner's appeal from hearing officer's decision granting the motion to supplement to include the most recent school performance profile scores and found petitioner did not qualify for MCSO approval due to its fail