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April 26, 2004 |

The New Math

Some say it's lost all meaning as a measure of success. Yet per-partner profits -- or PPP -- still stand as shorthand for a law firm's status. PPP remains a staple of The American Lawyer's annual list of the country's top-grossing law firms. The data is devoured by law firm leaders, lawyers, consultants and recruiters looking for market intelligence. But some say the number is no longer enough to give a full measure of a firm's performance.
10 minute read
May 01, 2013 | The Recorder

Mt. Hawley Insurance Company v. Lopez

9 minute read
November 07, 2011 | The Recorder

People v. Evans

7 minute read
July 02, 2010 | The Recorder

Viewpoint: Lawmakers Need to Expand Legal Aid

Improving access to legal services can help those hit hardest by the recession, writes Emily Savner.
5 minute read
September 13, 2010 | The Recorder

United States v. Comprehensive Drug Testing, Inc.

7 minute read
April 19, 2005 |

Judicial Profile: Richard "Rick" Sims

Third District Justice Richard Sims says his experiences coming of age in the Kennedy-Johnson years of the early 1960s is what turned him toward a legal career and shaped his perspective as a jurist. And when it comes to reviewing cases, Sims likes to see appellate briefs "that focus on the statutory language" and underscore the relevancy of statutory citations "as big as life in the text of the brief and not in a footnote."
6 minute read
April 06, 2012 | The Recorder

Leading Environmental Practices

5 minute read
May 31, 2013 | The Recorder

In re Martinez

7 minute read
September 10, 2013 | The Recorder

Securities and Exchange Commission v. CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

6 minute read