Legaltech News

Auto Industry Looks to Predictive Analytics to Mitigate Recall Risk

A Deloitte poll found that just 8 percent of auto executives employ predictive analytics to manage recall risk
3 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Verdicts: $35,000 jury award in UIM case

By | August 28, 2015
Servius v. Perez; Union County Superior Court; Feb. 3, 2015.
3 minute read

Delaware Law Weekly

Insurer in UM Coverage Dispute Can't Make Third-Party Claim

A third-party complaint by an auto insurance carrier against an alleged tortfeasor has been clipped from a dispute over uninsured motorist benefits brought by a policyholder, according to a ruling last week from a New Castle County Superior Court judge.
4 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Car Insurance Extends to Son's Girlfriend, Phila. Court Rules

Wading into an issue of first impression, a court of common pleas judge has ruled that a woman's car insurance coverage should extend to her son's girlfriend, even though the woman never gave her son's girlfriend permission to drive the vehicle.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Justices: Fraud Doesn't Void Insurers' Duty to Third Parties

An automobile insurance policy obtained through fraud does not automatically relieve the carrier of its obligation to compensate innocent injured third parties, the New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

The Automotive Industry and the Dawn of IoT Security Regulation

The SPY Car Act would regulate how manufactures install precautions in vehicles, but as more devices are connected, it's only the beginning.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

Liability Erased for Insurer in Toddler's Hot Van Death

The Third District Court of Appeal rules in favor of Windhaven Insurance, which denied coverage for day-care van driver Lelier Perez Hernandez under his personal auto insurance policy.
1 minute read

Delaware Law Weekly

Court: Accident While Crossing Road For School Bus Merits PIP Benefits

A student injured while crossing the road to board a school bus is entitled to personal-injury protection benefits from the automobile policy insuring the bus, the Kent County Superior Court has ruled in a case of first impression.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Carrier May Need to Cover Injuries in 'Concealed' DUI

An insurance company may have to cover injuries caused when friends of a passenger involved in a drunken-driving accident pried the man from the car and took him to his girlfriend's apartment in an effort to conceal the collision, a court of common pleas judge has ruled.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Freeth v. Zurich Am. Ins., PICS Case No. 15-1158 (E.D. Pa. July 15, 2015) McHugh, J. (15 pages).

An insurer that does not comply with technical requirements for lowering the limits of uninsured-motorist coverage may be required to provide UM coverage equivalent to the bodily injury liability limits. Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment on claim that UM coverage was $1 million granted.
3 minute read

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