Corporate Counsel

Companies Plot New Approaches to CFPB as Trump's Team Takes Control

"Everyone is trying to figure out where that is—short of calling Mulvaney himself, which people are obviously reluctant to do. Everyone has their own angle," one defense lawyer says.
16 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Your Guide to the Top Nine New Local Bankruptcy Rules

Just in time for the holiday season, the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (at the request of the Board of Bankruptcy Judges) promulgated new Local Bankruptcy Rules which will go into effect Dec. 1.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

BBX Capital Sues FDIC Over BankAtlantic Severance Payments

Regulators are "arbitrarily and capriciously" withholding approval of a total $4.8 million in severance for five former bank executives, the lawsuit claims.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Tripp Scott Adds 6-Lawyer May Meacham Law Firm

May, Meacham & Davell will combine with Fort Lauderdale-based Tripp Scott on Dec. 1.
3 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

The Impact of Asset Transfers by U.S. Citizens Living Abroad

In international trust and estate planning, there are often inescapable details to address in order to both minimize tax implications and maximize the financial health of families with feet both in the United States and overseas.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Cayman Rule Doesn't Bar Derivative Suits in NY, High Court Finds

Rejecting an interpretation by the Appellate Division, First Department, the Court of Appeals found that a local Cayman Islands rule didn't require derivative suits against Cayman-based companies to visit the courts there first.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Sovereign Immunity in Bankruptcy Cases: Can a Trustee Sue the State?

Typically, a state governmental entity is immune from suit unless the state explicitly waives its own sovereign immunity with respect to a particular claim or issue.
12 minute read

Inside Counsel

New Delaware Unclaimed Property Audit Regs Trigger Non-Compliance Concerns

Delaware's much-anticipated unclaimed property audit regulations went into effect on October 11 and now the state is identifying some holders as…
4 minute read

National Law Journal

Federal Rules Advisory Panel to Eye Litigation Financing—Sort Of

A federal judicial body plans to look into rules changes concerning disclosure of third-party financing of litigation—a move praised by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce—but the breadth of that probe could be limited.
18 minute read

The Recorder

Four Takeaways From California's New Report on Banking and Marijuana

After a year of meetings and hearings, California's working group on marijuana and banking issued its final report Tuesday. It's overarching conclusion? California can only do so much to entice banks and credit unions to open accounts for marijuana-related businesses.
5 minute read

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