International Edition

India's Legal Market Set for Liberalisation Via Trade Deal, UK Lawyers Believe

Historically closed to foreign lawyers, an international trade deal looks set to liberalise India's legal market after over a decade of debate.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

Deal Watch: $469B in M&A Activity Makes for the Biggest April Since 1980

SPACs are still on the downswing, but not deals, including another seven in the billion-plus range this week.
8 minute read

International Edition

US Biotech Giant Enlists Slaughter and May, Covington In Dispute With EU

The U.S. company is seeking to annul a decision by the European Commission to review its $8 billion acquisition of another U.S. business.
3 minute read

The American Lawyer

Has the SPAC Spigot Finally Run Dry?

The days of 20 or 30 new SPACs each week may be behind us. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
6 minute read

International Edition

Listing Will 'Turbo-Charge' Mishcon, Say Leaders - But Sceptics Remain

Floating will provide a warchest for international growth and technology, the firm's management says, but others believe the move is 'misconceived'.
8 minute read

International Edition

Keystone Revenue Jumps 10.9% After Major Headcount Growth

As more firms explore IPOs, CEO James Knight said the market will only sustain "a finite number" making the move.
2 minute read

International Edition

Mishcon de Reya Plans London Listing Following Partnership Vote

The potential listing could happen as early as the last quarter of this year, the firm has announced.
2 minute read

International Edition

Lawyers Buoyed as Qatar Considers Relaxing Foreign Ownership Rules

International law firms anticipate new work streams as Qatar introduces a draft law that, if passed, could liberalize the market for foreign investors.
4 minute read

International Edition

Cooley Adds China Capital Markets Partner From Wilson Sonsini

Ethan Jin joins in Beijing.
2 minute read

The American Lawyer

Deal Watch: A Baker's Dozen of $1B-Plus Deals Make for Another Strong Week in M&A

SPACs have slowed, but good old-fashioned deal work has picked up as four deals north of $7 billion popped up in the last week.
10 minute read

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