The American Lawyer

Legal Jobs Held Steady in December Amid National Decline

The relative stagnancy bodes well for the health of the legal industry, which is poised to see a wave of hiring in 2021, said Major, Lindsey & Africa president John Cashman.
3 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

The Hard Way: Lawyer Is 'Serial Litigant,' Wears 2 Hats in Erectile-Dysfunction Meds Suit

Hoffman faces a risk by filing consumer class action suits where he acts simultaneously as class counsel and class representative, although he's done it dozens of times before. New Jersey courts are divided on whether Hoffman, as class representative, pleads an ascertainable loss where he paid to purchase the product but has not used it.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

High-Stakes Florida Cases to Watch in 2021

Litigators will need to keep their eyes on several cases involving the state of Florida moving into the year 2021.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Florida Class Action Claims Aetna Profits From Denying Cancer Treatment

The putative class action lawsuit alleges a major insurance carrier has systematically declined to cover a necessary cancer treatment purely because of its cost.
3 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Not So Sweet: King's Hawaiian Rolls-Maker Hires Quinn Emanuel for Packaging Spat

The major issue is plastic wrapping with a bright orange border, prominence of the word "Hawaiian," and a see-through window that lets 12 fluffy, golden Hawaiian sweet rolls peek out at shoppers.
3 minute read

The Recorder

California Squeezes Amazon for Records on COVID-19 Workplace Practices

Amazon said in a statement: "We're puzzled by the attorney general's sudden rush to court because we've been working cooperatively for months and their claims of noncompliance with their demands don't line up with the facts."
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Child Safety and Product Safety Disclosures: A Look at Section 6(b)

Because of §6(b), consumers continue to be exposed to dangerous goods, even after the danger is known to the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

Don't Compare Tobacco Defendants to Nazis, South Florida Court Tells Lawyer

"We have made our expectations clear, and our tolerance should not be expected in the future," one judge wrote in a special concurrence.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Expanded Pa. Appeals Panel to Eye Decision Striking Down Federal Curb on Gunmaker Liability

A three-judge Superior Court panel's ruling allowed the family of a teen killed in an accidental shooting to sue companies involved in the manufacture and sale of the gun.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Plaintiffs Agree to Reduced Damages in Lawsuit Linking Talc Products to Mesothelioma

Jerome Block, a partner with Levy Konigsberg who represented the plaintiffs at trial, said Friday his clients were satisfied with the outcome and "look forward to moving this case toward completion." The adjustment took down the ratio of punitive damages to compensatory damages.
4 minute read

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