National Law Journal

GAF Shingles Class Actions' Settlement Is Open-Ended

A federal judge has provisionally approved settlements in nine class actions in which plaintiffs allege that Timberline shingles made by GAF Materials Corp. were prone to cracking, tearing or splitting.
2 minute read

National Law Journal

No Violation Too Small for Commodities Agency Action

In a speech before the Futures Industry Association Expo on Wednesday morning, Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Timothy Massad said the agency is committed to pursuing violations both big and small.
2 minute read

National Law Journal

Corporate Lobbyists Target Taxes, ACA

Even before voters went to the polls, the chances the elections would produce a Republican-controlled Congress inspired optimism among Washington's top lobbyists, who saw opportunities to negotiate tax, health care and budget policy issues.
5 minute read

The Recorder

Carrier IQ Agrees to Settle Privacy Suits Over Tracking Software

The company's legal team, led by Fenwick & West partner Rodger Cole, informed the court it has reached a deal with plaintiffs lawyers.
2 minute read

National Law Journal

Burger Plaintiff Who Missed Conference Protests Sanctions

A retired Army staff sergeant is battling $8,400 in sanctions a federal magistrate imposed against him for not appearing for a settlement conference in his product liability case against Burger King.
3 minute read

Daily Report Online

Appeals Court Takes on NSA Surveillance Case

Three federal appeals court judges struggled Tuesday over whether the National Security Agency's phone data surveillance program is an intelligence-gathering tool that makes the nation safer or an intrusive threat that endangers privacy.
4 minute read

National Law Journal

Drugmakers in Opioids Suit Urge Trade-Secrets Shield

Two drugmakers being sued by the city of Chicago for allegedly masking the downsides of opiate-based painkillers don't want the city's amended complaint to be unsealed in its entirety.
2 minute read

The Recorder

LinkedIn Turns to MoFo to Fend Off FCRA Suit

Tiffany Cheung, chair of Morrison & Foerster's consumer class actions practice, entered her appearance in the case Friday.
1 minute read

National Law Journal

Q&A: Food Safety Lawyer Bill Marler on What Not to Eat

Where you see food—a rare hamburger, a salad with alfalfa sprouts, a slice of cantaloupe—Bill Marler sees pathogens. A name partner at Seattle's Marler Clark, he has represented victims in every major food poisoning outbreak for three decades, winning more than $600 million for his clients.
8 minute read

National Law Journal

Q&A: Can Your Firm Handle Mass Torts?

Mass torts in state and federal court have become a hot area of litigation, but not every plaintiffs law firm is ready to practice in this complex area.
3 minute read

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