Litigation Daily

Daily Dicta: 'Fundamentally Flawed': Consumers Notch Win as ALI Postpones Restatement Vote

Critics said the draft restatement on consumer contracts 'opens the door for businesses to use contracts to abuse consumers in basically any way they want.'
6 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Third Circuit Rejects Breach-of-Contract Claims Blaming Wilmington Trust for $168M Loss

The ruling rejected IKB International S.A.'s bid to revive the breach-of-contract suit, which accused Wilmington Trust of standing "idly by" while other participants in the trusts drained them of their value.
3 minute read

Litigation Daily

Breach-of-Contract Claims Blaming Wilmington Trust for $168M Loss Rejected by Third Circuit

The ruling rejected IKB International S.A.'s bid to revive the breach-of-contract suit, which accused Wilmington Trust of standing "idly by" while other participants in the trusts drained them of their value.
3 minute read

Litigation Daily

Daily Dicta: Dinosaur Fossil Fight Goes Extinct at Ninth Circuit

The case presented an issue of first impression in Montana: Are dinosaur fossils minerals? It's a seemingly straightforward question with no clear answer.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Jury Finds Warehouse Buyer Doesn't Owe Real Estate Commission

A jury was asked to decide who knew what about an agreement to pay a 4.5 percent sales commission on an Opa-locka warehouse sale.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Recent Developments in the Application of Equitable Estoppel to Compel Arbitration

Practitioners seeking to avoid having their clients forced into arbitration by a nonsignatory should examine carefully the relevant arbitration clause and consider the proper forum in which to file suit.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

'Lamps Plus' Ruling Narrows the Availability of Class Arbitration

In their Arbitration column, Samuel Estreicher and Holly H. Weiss discuss the recent Supreme Court decision in 'Lamps Plus', which sends a strong signal that courts cannot order class arbitration absent an affirmative contractual basis for doing so.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Proposed Amendments to Rent Stabilization Law: Creating More Problems Than They Solve?

With New York's rent regulations up for renewal in June, there are several bills in the Legislature that claim to be designed to strengthen tenant protections. Two that appear to have garnered favor with the governor are one that would eliminate vacancy decontrol and another that would limit a landlord's ability to revoke a preferential rent. But might these bills be more trouble than they are worth?
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

Owner Keeps Historic Brickell House Turned Office After Fighting Buyback

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Abby Cynamon sides with the current owner of a historic mansion and rejects a buyback attempt.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

South Florida Judge Orders Attorney Fees to Be Withheld from Litigator in Contract Dispute

Palm Beach Circuit Judge Lisa Small ordered prospective attorney fees from several tobacco cases to be placed in a trust with the Levine Kellogg Lehman Schneider & Grossman law firm, instead of awarded to attorney Phillip Tim Howard.
4 minute read


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