Corporate Counsel

Three Steps to Smarter Resource Decisions in 2019

“Do more with less” remains a key directive for in-house legal departments, nearly half of whom —47.3 percent, to be exact—have seen their budgets stagnate or decrease, according to the latest Altman Weil Chief Legal Officer Survey.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

New Chancery Court Suit Targets Dell Over Stock Conversion Plan

The suit is the latest challenge to the transaction, which converted shares tied to Dell's interest in a valuable computer visualization firm into shares that tracked the business as a whole.
4 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Del. Supreme Court Finds Emails May Be Subject to Production in Books-and-Records Actions

Section 220 of the Delaware General Corporation Law permits a stockholder to inspect the books and records of a corporation, provided that the demand for inspection meets certain form and manner requirements, and the inspection is sought for a proper purpose—e.g., one reasonably related to the interests of stockholders.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Master in Chancery Finds an Enforceable Equitable Mortgage Despite Defects in Execution

In a recent case, Master in Chancery Patricia W. Griffin recommended that the Court of Chancery grant a creditor's motion for summary judgment and order the entry of personal and in rem judgments against its debtors based on a finding that the undisputed facts gave rise to an enforceable equitable mortgage.
6 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Del. Supreme Court Upholds Dismissal in AbbVie Inversion Case

A three-judge panel of the high court Monday upheld, by order, a Chancery Court decision from July that dismissed the suit on demand futility grounds, finding that the directors did not face a substantial risk of liability for their role in scuttling the $55 million deal.
4 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Risk Management Strategy: Top Tips for In-House Counsel

Companies strive to protect their tomorrow in a global context that evolves constantly and rapidly. And they must do so in highly competitive and complex markets, each with a unique political, economic, legal and regulatory framework. Change is constant. Risk is constant. But opportunity also is constant.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

What to Do When a Client Receives a Subpoena From Congress

With the new Congress, there will be an increasing number of Congressional investigations involving President Trump, his family, and his business dealings. Washington may seem far away from New York, but because so much of the President's personal and business life revolves around New York, Congress's attention will focus there.
8 minute read

Daily Business Review

Don't Trifle With Trifling Damages in Florida Data Breach Cases

A significant roadblock for plaintiffs in data breach cases in Florida is the threshold issue of Article III standing. Plaintiffs must show an actual or imminent injury.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

When It Comes to Cybersecurity Litigation, an Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure

It was recently revealed that Amazon inadvertently exposed names and email addresses of some of its members due to a technical issue. Since the initial release the company has not provided much more detail.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The CLO's 'Purposeful' Conversation With the Board

Board members should be briefed on Larry Fink's latest perspectives on corporate purpose, social responsibility and governance, and the chief legal officer (CLO) is the logical corporate officer to conduct that briefing.
6 minute read

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