Delaware Law Weekly

Musk's Tweet About Taking Tesla Private Sparks New Investor Suit

A new shareholder lawsuit has accused the Tesla board of engaging in a conspiracy to cover up its failure to monitor CEO Elon Musk's "increasingly erratic" public statements, in a case that could set up the question of whether Musk's tweets qualify as company statements.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

New Investor Suit Targets Board Over Musk Tweet on Financing to Take Tesla Private

A new shareholder lawsuit has accused the Tesla board of engaging in a conspiracy to cover up its failure to monitor CEO Elon Musk's "increasingly erratic" public statements, in a case that could set up the question of whether Musk's tweets qualify as company statements.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Del. Chancery Court Rejects Settlement in Challenge to Pay of Goldman Sachs Directors

The Delaware Court of Chancery has rejected as unfair a proposed settlement in an investor suit challenging the compensation of Goldman Sachs Inc.'s non-employee directors, the latest in a string of cases taking a tougher stance on disclosure settlements.
3 minute read

Corporate Counsel

The Business Benefits of a Strong Ethical Culture

There's never a convenient time to relax and stop talking about how valuable a robust ethics and compliance function is to an organization. With fall budget planning in full swing, now is a good time to consider some of the many business benefits of a strong ethical culture.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

What Would Happen to Your Business if You Died Tomorrow?

Owners continually strive to grow the value of their businesses. It is critically important that the monetary value created in your business is preserved, in the event of your unexpected death or if you suffer a permanent disability.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Are Directors Liable for Unforeseen Calamities?

The answer to the question posed in the title to this article may seem devious to you. After all, the answer must be “no” if we want anyone to serve on a corporate board of directors.
5 minute read

Delaware Law Weekly

In Parting Shot, Shawe Says Del. Courts Pushed TransPerfect Out of State

Explaining his decision to reincorporate his business in Nevada, TransPerfect co-founder and CEO Philip R. Shawe returned to Delaware last week to deliver a parting shot to the state's legal establishment, saying the Delaware Court of Chancery was too quick to order the profitable translation software company to the auction block.
5 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

In Parting Shot, Shawe Hits Actions of Del. Courts as Reason for TransPerfect's Nev. Move

Explaining his decision to reincorporate his business in Nevada, TransPerfect co-founder and CEO Philip R. Shawe returned to Delaware last week to deliver a parting shot to the state's legal establishment, saying the Delaware Court of Chancery was too quick to order the profitable translation software company to the auction block.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Corporate Spoofing Victims Beware: The SEC Is Watching

Cyber-threats are real and constantly evolving. The SEC's investigative report reminds companies that the securities laws require them to pay attention and proactively address such threats by implementing an effective system of internal accounting controls coupled with effective employee training.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Financial Damage Measurement: A Refresher

As a practicing forensic accountant, I have performed more financial damage analyses than I can remember. I am periodically reminded of this fact when I review and purge files in storage. Invariably, I come across a file (or two) of which I have no immediate recollection.
7 minute read

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