Daily Business Review

International Transactions: A Lesson in Structuring an International Health Care Joint Venture

The Miami tax partner advised on an international joint venture in expansion mode.
2 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Court of Chancery Speaks on an Increasingly Common Choice of Law Issue

In a recent decision, the Delaware Court of Chancery faced the increasingly common situation in which parties' contractual provisions select Delaware law to govern the parties' disputes in an apparent attempt to bypass the law of another state that otherwise would be applicable.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Akerman Closes 2020 Fiscal Year With Record Revenue

A diverse group of practice areas and flexible collections helped Akerman weather the pandemic and finish its fiscal year with 6.5% more revenue than 2019, while pandemic-induced paycuts are being reversed retroactively in the form of bonuses.
4 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Recent Developments Regarding 'Wolf Pack' Provisions in Rights Plans

A traditional stockholder rights plan remains one of the most effective tools a board of directors may use to protect the corporation's stockholders from the threat of a hostile or abusive takeover.
8 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

A Year-End Legal Checklist for Corporations

Given the whirlwind that has been 2020, businesses will want to take stock and pay extra scrutiny in their review. If you need some advice on where to start, consider the following checklist and remember one piece of advice: organization is key.
6 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. Supreme Court to Review Veil-Piercing Appeal Based on Enterprise Theory

In June, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court granted an appeal that could radically alter existing state law on corporate liability based on the veil-piercing theory. The case, arising from a dram shop tort action, is poised to test Pennsylvania law's "strong presumption" against piercing the corporate veil.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Politics and Purpose in Corporate America

In their column on Corporate Governance, David A. Katz and Laura A. McIntosh consider how a corporation can successfully handle political pressures through a focus on corporate purpose.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

An Interview With Taco Bell's CLO

In his column on Franchising, David J. Kaufmann asks: How do you administer the legal department of one of the world's largest franchisors? To gain insight, he turned to Julie Davis, the Global Chief Legal Officer of Taco Bell Corp.
7 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

The Exception to Pursuing Both Contract and Fiduciary Claims

Delaware courts have often thwarted plaintiffs' pursuit of both a claim for breach of contract and a claim for breach of fiduciary duty when those claims arose out of the same facts.
5 minute read

How I Made Partner: 'Don't Be Over-Competitive' Advises Fried, Frank's Bryan Hunkele

"It is very hard to make partner in this industry without the support of colleagues."
5 minute read


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