Daily Business Review

Rio's Drug Gangs, Squeezed by Recession, Go on Hijacking Spree

In Rio state, hijackings have surged more than 150 percent from three years ago, part of a broader crime wave this year.
11 minute read

Litigation Daily

The Day the Trump Child Rape Case Almost Got Real

For a second there, it seemed liked the Trump child rape suit was going to get real. Nationally known plaintiffs attorney Lisa Bloom sent out a press release Wednesday morning announcing that the anonymous woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was 13 was going to go public. It didn't happen.
8 minute read

The Recorder

People v. Chenelle

By | November 02, 2016
4 minute read

The Recorder

In re N.C.

By | November 02, 2016
4 minute read

Supreme Court Brief

Sotomayor, Thomas and Alito Deepen Their Dispute Over Juvenile Sentences

In a series of opinions over the past nine months, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Jr. have faced off with Justice Sonia Sotomayor over life sentences for juvenile offenders. The tension is rooted in just how far to apply the court's rulings that have limited those sentences. The conflict surfaced again this week.
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Former Police Chief Gets Nearly 4 Years in Beating Case

A suburban New York police chief who orchestrated a department cover-up after beating a handcuffed man for stealing embarrassing items from his SUV has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Attorney Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Returns

A Bronx tax preparer pleaded guilty Tuesday to using his law office to file some $6 million in fraudulent tax returns.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

With Online Bail Payments, City Hall Aims to Curtail Unnecessary Jail Stays

Friends and family of persons incarcerated in New York City Department of Correction facilities will have the option of posting bail online, part of a larger effort to reform the bail system and reduce reliance on cash bail and to make posting easier, the de Blasio administration announced Tuesday.
3 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Forcible Medication of Defendants: Permissible and Necessary

Forced medication of criminal defendants should be used when it is constitutionally appropriate to ensure that crimes are prosecuted so that the state, the victims and their families receive the justice they seek.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Avoiding Pitfalls Protecting Privilege and Confidentiality

In his Corporate Crime column, William F. Johnson writes: To maintain maximum protection of legal privilege and confidentiality, corporations and their counsel would be well-advised to take a hard look at their disclosures to regulators and monitors, as recent court decisions have indicated that even compelled, narrowly-tailored disclosure could erode the expectations of privilege and confidentiality historically associated with such disclosures.
12 minute read


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