International Edition

Quinn and Freshfields Both Claim Victory as £15B Mastercard Group Action Given Go Ahead

The battle continues as UK Competition Appeal Tribunal gives the go ahead for the collective action which could result in the U.K.'s highest-ever damages payout.
5 minute read

International Edition

Essex Court Loses Another QC After Chinese Sanctions

The barrister leaves the chambers after 23 years.
2 minute read

International Edition

Veteran Simmons Disputes Partner Leaves for Rival in Hong Kong

Joseph Chu leaves the Hong Kong partnership of Simmons after eight years.
1 minute read

Daily Business Review

How We Won: Morgan & Morgan Lawyers Score $3M Verdict for Client Who Had Little Proof of Treatment

The defense argued the plaintiff had suffered no injury, because she had not been receiving treatment.
4 minute read

Daily Report Online

In Photos: Atlanta Legal All-Stars Leah Ward Sears, Bradley Gayton Help Create Diverse National ADR Firm

The founder and CEO is Marcie Dickson. And ex-American Bar Association President Linda Klein is among Alterity Resolution Services' 15 founding members.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Preparation: The Key to a Successful Virtual Mediation

Mediators, parties, and counsel should look to virtual mediation as a tool in their dispute resolution arsenal that undeniably increases flexibility and reduces cost. And it may be that, depending upon the nature of a dispute and the needs of the parties, a combination of virtual and in-person processes can be used to get the benefits of both worlds.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Is It Time To Counteract the Functus Officio Doctrine?

The authors propose that arbitration institutions adopt an opt-out rule (rather than opt-in rule), which expressly confers arbitrators with the exclusive right to correct errors or mistakes in arbitral awards for a limited period not to exceed 30 days from issuance of the award.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Nonsignatories and Arbitration: What You Should Know

When will courts allow a nonsignatory to compel a signatory to arbitrate under an arbitration agreement? When will courts allow a signatory to compel a nonsignatory to arbitrate under an arbitration agreement? What doctrines have the courts recognized as applying to nonsignatories and arbitration? This article will focus on these questions and offers an overview of possible routes to nonsignatory arbitration.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Supreme Court To Decide If International Commercial Arbitrations Are 'Foreign or International Tribunals' to Whom U.S. Federal Courts Can Provide Discovery Assistance

In their Arbitration column, Samuel Estreicher, Rex Heinke and Jessica Weisel discuss a case that will be before the U.S. Supreme Court in the October term, 'Servotronics v. Rolls-Royce PLC', which asks the court to resolve a circuit split over the role, if any, that federal courts should play in facilitating discovery in foreign arbitrations. In what looks like a simple matter of statutory interpretation—defining the term "tribunal"—the case may shed new light on how the current court approaches traditional interpretive tools.
8 minute read

International Edition

Jones Day Grabs Former HSF Germany Disputes Co-Head

It is the latest significant Germany hire for the U.S. firm, which brought in Dentons Germany arbitration head earlier this year.
2 minute read


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