The Legal Intelligencer

Liability of School Districts for Student-on-Student Harm

Student hazing and bullying have ­become endemic and intractable problems with often tragic outcomes. Headlines of abuse are becoming common with details of students inflicting egregious physical and emotional harm on other ­students. Hazing can include ­brutal ­physical acts, sexual assaults, mandatory binge drinking, forced calisthenics and other harmful conduct. Bullying, on the other hand, is any unwanted physical, verbal or other aggressive behavior by one student directed at another. While hazing is ­typically used to gain membership in a group, bullying uses tactics to exclude the victim.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Robertson v. Pa. Pub. Sch. Emp. Ret. Sys., PICS Case No. 17-0860 (Pa. Commw. May 18, 2017) Hearthway, J. (20 pages).

Retirement benefits properly suspended where there was no break in service because employee was immediately hired back as an independent contractor to perform many of the same duties as her old position. Order of the Public School Employees' Retirement Board affirmed.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Insight PA Cyber Charter Sch. v. Dep't of Educ., PICS Case No. 17-0872 (Pa. Commw. May 18, 2017) Brobson, J. (42 pages).

CAB erred in denying petitioner's application to establish a charter school because there was no evidence that petitioner lacked independence from the service provider that would provide curriculum, educational materials and educational management ser-vices. Reversed.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

Federal Judge Rules Against School on Football Game Prayer

A federal judge has sided with the Florida High School Athletic Association in a dispute about whether a Christian school should have been allowed to offer a prayer over a stadium loudspeaker before a football championship game.
3 minute read

Daily Business Review

Rebuking Scott, Senate Overrides Higher Education Vetoes

In a rebuke to Gov. Rick Scott, the Florida Senate voted to override vetoes of some $75 million in higher-education projects, although House leaders appear reluctant to back the move.
8 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Home-Schooled Children Don't Escape Regulation

It is unfortunate that before the Connecticut Law Tribune's editorial board published the article "It's Time To Regulate Home Schooling" the board did not reach out to those who know the most and have the facts about home schooling. Had the board done so, it certainly would have been more informed, and the article published would have reflected more accurately existing history, law and custom.
8 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

It's Time to Examine Regulating Home Schooling

Home schooling can be successful and healthy, work well for many families and should be an educational option available to parents. There are, however, instances of abusive or neglectful parents who are able to hide their mistreatment of their children because they home-school.
8 minute read

Corporate Counsel

University of Florida GC Quits While Under Investigation

Suspended UF vice president and general counsel Jamie Keith resigns months into an internal investigation.
14 minute read

Daily Business Review

University of Florida GC Quits While Under Investigation

Suspended UF vice president and general counsel Jamie Keith resigns months into an internal investigation.
5 minute read

The Recorder

M.C. v. Antelope Valley Union High School District

4 minute read

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