Daily Business Review

Undocumented Immigrant Tuition Issue Re-Emerges

A newly elected state senator has filed legislation that would undo a 2014 law allowing in-state tuition for some undocumented immigrant students, potentially reopening an emotionally charged debate in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential win.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

In the Matter of Robbinsville Township Bd. of Educ. v. Washington Township Educ. Assoc.

By | December 01, 2016
School Board Cannot Unilaterally Alter Collectively Negotiated Agreement
5 minute read

Texas Lawyer

David's Law Could Offer Balancing Act for Schools, Chance for More Education

In this digital age, technology forces us to evolve in how we communicate with each other. It's not an easy task, but it's imperative that, as a society, we must learn to combat behaviors that can lead to tragic consequences.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

NJ Parents Fight Unjust Teacher Layoff Law

In a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the state's "last-in, first-out" (LIFO) teacher layoff law, parents argue that the quality-blind teacher layoff and re-employment mandate unjustly leaves ineffective teachers in classrooms.
10 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Judge Slams Education Officials for 'Sham' School Review

A New Jersey judge has rebuked the state Department of Education for conducting what he called a sham investigation into, and initially denying, a local school district's application for a special-needs school.
6 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Judge Tosses Teacher's First Amendment Suit Over Blackface Photo

A federal judge has dismissed a suit by a teacher who was reprimanded after showing students a picture of her relatives wearing blackface while participating in a Dutch holiday custom.
7 minute read

The Recorder

Doe v. Regents of the University of California

By | November 23, 2016
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Basketball Coach Sues College Claiming He Was Fired for Not Having Enough Minority Players

A former basketball coach at Onandaga Community College filed a federal civil rights complaint Nov. 17 in the Northern District of N.Y. claiming he was fired for failing to recruit enough minority players for the team.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

NY AG Announces $25 Million Settlement in "Trump U." Cases

A settlement was announced Friday in three suits that claimed President-Elect Donald Trump improperly promoted the now-defunct "university" through which he promised to teach people his real estate secrets.
16 minute read


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