Daily Business Review

In Post-Parkland Florida, Lawmakers File Dozens of Gun Bills

In the weeks leading up to the legislative session, about 50 gun-related bills were filed: from a Republican-sponsored repeal of gun restrictions enacted after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre to a Democrat-sponsored bills to ban assault rifles.
5 minute read

Daily Business Review

Republican Lawmakers Eye 'Systematic Problem' on University Spending

Randy Fine, chairman of the House' Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, said he wants to look into giving the Legislature more sway over the higher education budget and training for university officials who oversee school finances.
5 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Ex-University of Texas Law Student Gets 4 Years in Georgetown Cyberstalking Case

Prosecutors said Ho Ka Terence Yung used the internet to terrorize a Georgetown alumni interviewer who did not recommend him for admission. Yung received a full scholarship to the University of Texas School of Law and was interning at the Office of the Texas Attorney General as he was cyberstalking his victim, prosecutors said.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Ex-Law Student Gets 4 Years in Georgetown Cyberstalking Case

Prosecutors said Ho Ka Terence Yung used the internet to terrorize a Georgetown alumni interviewer who did not recommend him for admission. Yung received a full scholarship to the University of Texas School of Law and was interning at the Office of the Texas Attorney General as he was cyberstalking his victim, prosecutors said.
3 minute read

Khan Academy's Free, Online LSAT Prep Proves Popular With Test Takers

The Law School Admission Council and Khan Academy say their nine-month-old free online LSAT prep program is getting heavy use among minority groups that are underrepresented in law schools and the legal profession.
4 minute read

Ahead of the Curve: Loan Forgiveness Lifeline

This weeks's Ahead of the Curve looks at what a court decision on eligibility for Public Service Loan forgiveness means for law schools, as well as a "Lost Boy of Sudan's" journey to law school and Mark Zuckerberg's recent visit to Harvard Law School.
7 minute read

Daily Business Review

Supreme Court Impanels Statewide Grand Jury on School Safety

On the eve of the one-year anniversary of the state's deadliest school shooting, Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the court to impanel the grand jury to “make recommendations about what some of the various school districts could do better.”
4 minute read

Judge Sides With ABA in Public Service Loan Fight—Mostly

The U.S. Department of Education must reconsider the Public Service Loan Forgiveness eligibility of several lawyers who were denied from the program.
5 minute read

Litigation Daily

D.C. Judge Sides With ABA in Public Service Loan Fight—Mostly

The U.S. Department of Education must reconsider the Public Service Loan Forgiveness eligibility of several lawyers who were denied from the program.
5 minute read

ABA Delays Decision on Tougher Bar Pass Rule

The American Bar Association's legal education body declined to reach a decision Friday on a closely watched proposal to strengthen the bar pass accreditation standard for law schools, and is expected to revisit the issue when it meets again in May.
4 minute read

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