International Edition

Australia's Thomson Geer Poaches Corporate Partner From HWL Ebsworth

Matthew Reynolds joins the firm's Brisbane, Australia, office after 13 years at HWL Ebsworth Lawyers.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

MS4 Requirements and the Impact to (and Upside for?) Developers

The most recent round of permits for small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in Pennsylvania requires municipalities with MS4s to regulate stormwater in a manner that will impact development.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Decisions Lead to Possible Expansion of CWA NPDES Permitting Requirements

Most environmental law practitioners are familiar with the federal Clean Water Act's (CWA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System's (NPDES) permitting program and the types of discharges subject to the program.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Religious Objections Don't Override FERC's Appeals Process, 3rd Circuit Rules

The precedential ruling came in a case denying the effort of an order of Roman Catholic nuns to block a company from placing a natural gas pipeline on their property.
1 minute read

Corporate Counsel

PetroEcuador In-House Lawyer Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Money Laundering

A Florida judge had adjusted the sentence, going easier on Marcelo Reyes Lopez, after he argued that though he was a beneficiary of the money laundering scheme, he didn't organize it or participate in it.
1 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

High Court Permits Foreign Lost Profits Award for US Patent Infringement

In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that U.S. patent holders are eligible to recover lost profits—that were lost outside of the United States—for domestic infringement of a U.S. patent in WesternGeco v. Ion Geophysical, 585 U.S. ______ (2018).
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Florida Supreme Court Justices to Weigh FPL Environmental Costs

The Florida Public Service Commission filed a brief Monday urging the Supreme Court to uphold a decision that allows FPL to recover money from customers to deal with a saltwater plume that moved from a power-plant complex into nearby groundwater.
1 minute read

Delaware Business Court Insider

Del. Judge Dismisses Challenge to $325M Energy Industry Merger

The Delaware Court of Chancery has dismissed a shareholder challenge to Earthstone Energy Inc.'s $325 million acquisition of a Texas oil and gas firm in 2016, finding that the deal met business-judgment protections for a conflicted transaction.
1 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Deal Wrap: Foley Gardere Completes Life-Cycle Representation of Rubber Manufacturer

In another recent deal, a Houston-based provider of fracturing services, U.S. Well Services, will go public through a merger with a New York publicly traded special acquisition company.
1 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Aries Clean Energy Names Robert Burke to GC Post to Guide Growth

Burke's global M&A experience should come in handy for the energy company, which is shifting its focus to generating power through sustainable waste disposal.
1 minute read


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