New Jersey Law Journal

AOC Now Must Notify Litigants of Affidavit of Merit Obligations

A decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court requires judiciary administrators to begin notifying parties litigating professional malpractice claims of their statutory obligations to file affidavits of merit and to schedule hearings to determine whether those affidavits are satisfactory.
5 minute read

National Law Journal

Meet Matthew Petersen, DC Court Nom Who Flunked Senator's Pop Quiz

Petersen, an FEC commissioner and former Wiley Rein summer associate, had trouble answering basic legal questions in his hearing this week, like defining motion in limine and Daubert standard.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Statute of Limitations for Survival Actions in Medical Negligence Case After 'Dubose'

In an opinion by Justice Sallie Mundy, the Supreme Court held in Dubose v. Quinlan that the statute of limitations in a medical professional liability case for both a wrongful death and a survival action is two years from the date of the decedent's death.
16 minute read

Daily Business Review

ADA Website Accessibility Lawsuits Increase Amidst Lack of DOJ Compliance Guidelines

Website accessibility lawsuits continue to increase nationwide and here in Florida. Nearly every business sector has faced such lawsuits. Florida ranks first in the number of website accessibility suits filed in federal court this year.
5 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

Niantic Woman in Four-Car Crash on I-95 Gets $240,000 Settlement

Heather Cymbala, who suffered a herniated disc following a collision on I-95 in 2014, has settled the case with three insurance carriers for a total of $240,000.
2 minute read

The Recorder

Keker and Innocence Project Team to Free Father in 'Shaken Baby' Case

A state court judge in Sacramento granted a writ of habeas corpus overturning the 2002 murder conviction of Zavion Johnson, who was convicted of killing his 4-month-old daughter based of medical testimony that has been undermined by more recent research.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Accutane Cases Headed to NJ Supreme Court

The New Jersey Supreme Court has agreed to hear appeals in the mass tort alleging that Hoffmann-La Roche's anti-acne drug Accutane led to users developing Crohn's disease.
7 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Appellate Courts Should 'Roll the Tape,' Regardless of Review Standard

Appellate review of the tape is necessary to evaluate sufficiency of the evidence. We continue to believe viewing the primary evidence, the source itself, is necessary and appropriate.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Hearings Set on State's Bid to Ease Alcotest Calibration Rule

With hearings scheduled next month on an evidentiary dispute that could undermine 20,000 drunken driving cases in New Jersey, several pending cases are being placed on hold.
7 minute read

Connecticut Law Tribune

College Student Beaten by Friend After Party Awarded More Than $1 Million

Christopher Meskill was awarded more than $1 million by a Superior Court jury Wednesday after being beaten by a friend. He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
3 minute read

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