Daily Business Review

Insurance Companies to Be Blocked From Using Genetic Information

Federal law already prevents health insurers from using genetic information in underwriting policies and in setting premiums. But the prohibition doesn't apply to life insurance or long-term care coverage.
3 minute read

Daily Business Review

Coronavirus and Teleworking—5 Considerations Before You Make the Move

The coronavirus outbreak in the United States and in other countries has caused businesses to close offices or encourage their employees to work from home.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How Chief Lawyer for Global Medical Supply Firm Is Handling Coronavirus Crisis: A Q&A With Hill-Rom's Deborah Rasin

"The No. 1 impact is that it's suddenly become almost a full-time job for a lot of my team. There's just so much going on and it's moving quickly and we're very engaged in all of this," Rasin said.
5 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Cannabis Law 'Harmonized' With LAD, Court Says in Green-Lighting Fired Worker's Discrimination Claim

In a closely watched case, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that a funeral director who was fired after revealing he used medical marijuana outside of work to treat his cancer has a basis to sue for disability discrimination under the Law Against Discrimination
7 minute read

National Law Journal

These 2 Law Profs Don't Agree on Everything, Save for Ending 'Universal' Injunctions

The U.S. Supreme Court has a new chance to express its views on the lawfulness of nationwide injunctions.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Breaking Down the COVID-19 Coronavirus Challenges: A Q&A With MaineHealth Corporate Counsel Elisabeth Belmont

Belmont discusses how in-house counsel at hospitals and health care systems such as her own are responding to the outbreak in the U.S. of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, or should be. She lectures and writes often on emergency preparedness.
7 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Coronavirus Panic Is Going Viral—Steps to Take to Protect Your Workplace

Employers should assess their workplace needs and develop a plan of action in the event of pandemic illness.
8 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Forced Coronavirus Quarantines? Texas Appoints Judges for Emergency Hearings

If infected patients refuse to self-quarantine, there's a legal process to force them into isolation, but it involves courts, judges and hearings.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

Big Firms Pitch Coronavirus Task Forces as Client Impacts Spread

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, Alston & Bird, King & Spalding, Baker & Hostetler and Stroock & Stroock & Lavan have all created task forces of lawyers to respond to client questions on the coronavirus.
6 minute read

Daily Business Review

Policies May Offer Limited Coverage for These Coronavirus-Related Scenarios

Standard commercial insurance policies are not generally designed to protect against people getting sick. However, standard policies may provide limited coverage under the right circumstances.
5 minute read

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