Legaltech News

The “Business Judgment” Discovery Rule and its Impact on Information Governance

A new trend supporting information governance focuses on the benefits IG offers in connection with proportionality-related litigation requirements.
8 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Your Most Important Step to a Brilliant Career

How can your function promote its value and progress without measures that matter to those who decide your annual budget, headcount, and your future ability to perform?
10 minute read

Legaltech News

Do Business, Regulatory Realities Trump Constitutional Principle in Gag Orders Fight?

Large tech companies' ability to operate overseas may hinge largely on their challenges to gag orders prohibiting them from informing their customers of government collection
14 minute read

Legaltech News

Do Business, Regulatory Realities Trump Constitutional Principle in Gag Orders Fight?

Large tech companies' ability to operate overseas may hinge largely on their challenges to gag orders prohibiting them from informing their customers of government collection
14 minute read

Legaltech News

When Organizations Fall Short on Cybersecurity, Do Law Firms Pick Up the Slack?

BakerHostetler's cybersecurity report highlights the nature of company cybersecurity while illustrating the law firm's changing role in the tech age.
19 minute read

Legaltech News

When Organizations Fall Short on Cybersecurity, Do Law Firms Pick Up the Slack?

BakerHostetler's cybersecurity report highlights the nature of company cybersecurity while illustrating the law firm's changing role in the tech age.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Working the Mines: How Text Mining Can Help Create Value for Lawyers

Text mining is the software-assisted process of identifying patterns in large amounts of written material, which can uncover previously unknown, useful knowledge.
18 minute read

Legaltech News

Colorado Latest State to Propose Cybersecurity Compliance Rules

The rules for broker-dealers and investment advisers are directed at 'ensuring that each entity has baseline data security procedures in place that are commensurate with its size.'
13 minute read

Legaltech News

Can Fitbit Records Lead to a Murder Conviction?

The use of the wearable device in a recent Connecticut case shows how data collected by such technology can make their way into court proceedings.
8 minute read

Legaltech News

It's Not You, It's Your Vendor: The Hidden Doorway to Phishing Attacks

Without understanding the potential vulnerabilities service providers may bring, there is not much to protect organizations from highly sophisticated phishing attacks.
13 minute read

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