New York Law Journal

NY Rehab Pain Management & Medical Services v. State Farm Auto Ins. Co.

Belated Objections by Provider to Propriety Of EUO Inappropriate; Dismissal Granted
3 minute read

Daily Report Online

11th Circuit Judges Say Allstate Can Recover $663K Paid for False Claims

A federal appeals court has cleared the way for an insurance company to take back more than $663,000 it paid on what turned out to be false medical bills.
6 minute read

Delaware Law Weekly

Deal v. Dimondo, DeFAX Case No. D67252 (Del. Super. June 21, 2016) Parkins, J. (8 pages).

Date of accident and of insurance policy renewal governed whether the original or revised version of state UIM law applied to injured. The court made the determination.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Duffina v. The County of Essex

Issues of Fact Exist Precluding Summary Judgment on Indemnification Relief Sought
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Pa. State Univ. v. Pa. Mfr's. Ass'n Ins. Co., PICS Case No. 16-0783 (C.P. Philadelphia May 4, 2016) Glazer, J. (19 pages).

Determination of liability of university for its share of damages paid to child molestation victims of employee, as well as the extent of coverage responsibility by insurance company. Motions by both parties for partial summary judgment each granted in part and denied in part.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Alstom Brasil Energia E Transporte Ltda. v. Seguros

Subrogee Insurer Bound By Underlying Pact's Arbitration Clause; Arbitral Award Confirmed
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Rabun-Wood v. Fresh Direct Holdings LLC

Triable Issues on Accident's Occurrence Precludes Summary Judgment to Both Parties
3 minute read

Daily Report Online

ShaMiracle S. Johnson, 31

The first lawyer in her family, the defense litigator says she always had an ability to "convince people of things," a quality not lost on family and friends who encouraged her career path.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Vladenn Medical Supply Corp. v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co.

Provider's Failure to Appear for EUOs Granted Insurer Summary Judgment; Order Affirmed
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

McCulloch Orthopedic Surgical Services v. Group Health Ins. Incorporated

Insurer Fails to Meet Burden on Dismissal Motion of Doctor's Promissory Estoppel Claim
3 minute read


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