The Recorder

The Internet of Things Is Here. And Privacy Has Some Catching Up to Do

Who bears responsibility for privacy in a world where there are fewer screens and more voice-activation?
5 minute read

Who Is Devin Nunes' Cow?

The Republican congressman's defamation lawsuit against Twitter involving the parody social media accounts may have more meat to it than one might expect.
4 minute read

The Recorder

Facebook Agrees to Change Ad Platform to Settle Discrimination Claims

As a result of the settlement, anyone seeking to place housing, employment or credit ads on Facebook will no longer be allowed to target consumers based on their age, gender or ZIP code.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Strategies for Risk Mitigation in Production and Distribution of IoT Devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced the world to a legion of so-called “smart” devices that drive an increasingly connected consumer to a global network of information and data.
8 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Products Liability and the Evolving Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving way of thinking about the internet and how the devices we use every day interact. IoT describes the developing system in which “smart” devices interact with each other through the internet to gather and exchange data to provide additional functions, security and ease-of-use for human users.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

There's Discoverable Data Online—But You Have to Keep It Dynamic

The internet as a latent data source isn't going to fade away or become less important. It's only going to get bigger, louder, and more pressing.
5 minute read

The Recorder

9th Circuit Denies Airbnb, HomeAway Bid to Strike Down Santa Monica Short-Term Rental Law

"Like their brick-and-mortar counterparts, internet companies must also comply with any number of local regulations concerning, for example, employment, tax or zoning."
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Practical Strategies for Defending ADA Website Accessibility Claims

Defense of ADA website claims calls for a very practical approach, undergirded by an in-depth knowledge of defenses that are likely to prevail and those that are no longer viable. This article discusses the current state of the law and focus on practical strategies for resolving ADA website claims.
11 minute read

25 Years After: Campbell v. Acuff-Rose and the State of Copyright Fair-Use Controversies

On March 7, 1994, the U.S. Supreme Court decided for the first time that a parody may be a copyright fair use. In the 25 years that followed, the High Court's unanimous 9-0 ruling in <i>Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Inc.</i>, has been cited in more than 500 court decisions. But the Supreme Court's pronouncement left questions and controversies in its wake.
16 minute read

Legaltech News

The New FTC Task Force: Will Tech Giants Face a Day of Reckoning on Antitrust?

Some antitrust lawyers are skeptical of the announcement last week that the FTC's Bureau of Competition is naming a 17-staff lawyer task force to examine antitrust issues around big tech—which could possibly include reviewing some past mergers.
6 minute read


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