Texas Lawyer

Texas Supreme Court Issues Two Attorney Fee Rulings

The Texas Supreme Court today issued two rulings that favored parties seeking attorney fees in a First Amendment case and a breach-of-contract case.
6 minutes read

The Recorder

Cartoon: Lyft's Road Not Taken

By | April 14, 2016
1 minutes read

New York Law Journal

Court of Appeals Judges to Speak at Albany Law

The seven judges on the state Court of Appeals will discuss their work and the court on April 26 at Albany Law School.
2 minutes read

National Law Journal

Women's Voice in Bork Hearings Still Resonates

OPINION: Nominee's failure to get high-court appointment led to more moderate choices.
9 minutes read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Friends Criticizes Cuomo on Presiding Justices Appointment

By virtue of his two appointments of presiding justices, the governor has cemented the complete exclusion of any African American from having a seat at the statewide policy-making table.
1 minutes read

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