The Legal Intelligencer

Effective, Efficient Billing Practices for Both the Seasoned Practitioner and New Attorneys

Mastery of ethical and efficient billing is a cornerstone to the success of any legal practice. It is a skill that can lead to immediate results in productivity and profitability. Particularly for newly admitted attorneys, learning the ins and outs of successful billing practices goes a long way to ensuring you meet billable requirements and that your time is captured accurately.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Rare Survey of Deputy GCs Turns Up Widespread Dismay

One hundred percent of respondents reported being "stressed or burned out," and 94% said their current employer does not offer them the opportunity to develop all of the skills required to move up to GC, according to the study from Axiom and Wakefield Research.
3 minute read

International Edition

Portuguese Law Firms Find Opportunity Advising on Green Energy and Real Estate Deals

Portugal has established a new legal framework to ensure that renewable energy projects that target decarbonization can be approved faster.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

GCs Want to Be the Corporate Conscience but Say They Need Lots of Help

"I don't want a world where the legal team or general counsel is the only conscience-bearer in the company," said Kirupa Pushparaj, general counsel of Step.
3 minute read

Inside Track: Why Storytellers Rise to the Top of the In-House World

"To get buy-in, you have to tell stories. You have to look at anything and come up with a narrative that other people can understand," said Jenn McCarron, director of legal operations and technology at Neflix.
4 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Measure, Measure, Measure: Why Adobe's GC Believes Metrics Are So Important

"What was revealed to us in the data ... was that we have a lot of effort going into deals that, frankly, shouldn't even have a legal touch," said Dana Rao, general counsel of Adobe.
10 minute read

The American Lawyer

Examples of Real World Legal Innovation At Work

In-house consultant Susan Hackett and legal marketing consultant Deborah Farone offer examples of what happens when the industry focuses on small tweaks, collaboration with colleagues and clients, and adds in a dash of empathy.
10 minute read

International Edition

Baker McKenzie Belgium Head Steps Down Amid Office Racism Claims

It is the second time in recent years that a Baker McKenzie regional managing partner has vacated their role amid controversial circumstances.
2 minute read

Inside Track: Legal Departments Share Blame for Escalating Law Firm Rates

Many departments manage and negotiate rates through "a crazy-quilt of spreadsheets and emails" said Nathan Cemenska of Wolters Kluwer ELM Solutions.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

New ACC CLO Survey Provides Key Governance Guidance

Over the past several years, the Survey has been particularly valuable in identifying trends such as greater visibility of the CLO with the C-suite and the boardroom, and increased CLO operational authority over related functions such as compliance and ethics.
7 minute read

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