Legaltech News

Legal Ops Pros: Prepare for (and Neutralize) Friction in Technology Deployments

Implementing new technology solutions and automating legal processes sit at the top of the priority list for more than 70% of legal departments. But a myriad of internal factors and cost pressures are emerging as barriers to these initiatives, and legal ops professionals should be prepared.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How to Manage Digital Transformation and IT Security at Scale

A three-step approach, focusing on (1) automated software testing (2) built-in code composition analysis and (3) detailed skills training (i.e. ongoing education in strategy planning and how to address cyber threats) can help bridge the gap.
4 minute read

Corporate Counsel

GC to Outside Counsel: Give Me a Realistic Budget Early On and Meet It

Your roles as a GC include being a budget holder and a strategic adviser to the business. External counsel can support you in both of these areas. At the planning stage, they should develop a smart plan, then carefully assign talent to it, and so create a realistic budget.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

More Legal and IT Departments—Albeit Begrudgingly—Are Evaluating Legal Tech Together

Legal ops and new budget realities might be able to force more IT and legal departments to work together before legal tech is purchased.
4 minute read

Daily Business Review

'They Expect to See the Bills Reduced': Litigators Juggle New Expectation Amid Pandemic

"Clients want to dedicate their resources to the real threats," said Carlton Fields Shareholder Derek Harris in West Palm Beach. "We're willing to engage in alternative fees and take risks where other people are not."
4 minute read

How to Create a Culture In a Law Firm That Supports 'The Hustle'

Whether they practice at global firms consisting of thousands of lawyers or decide to hang a shingle and put their name on the door, lawyers chose a path requiring continuous, never-ending hustle. Not only do they need to master the practice of law, they need to master the art of driving revenue.
8 minute read

Corporate Counsel

How the Chief Legal Officer Can Support Leadership's Response to Social Justice Concerns

Corporate leadership should recognize the CLO as a strong resource for advice and counsel on political and social challenges and the potential consequences.
5 minute read

Here's What Legal Ops Is Reading Right Now

COVID-19's lasting (and exhausting) effect on legal departments, practical tips for attracting and retaining tomorrow's top legal talent and more...
3 minute read

Legaltech News

CLOC's New President Wants Nonlegal Ops Voices Heard in the Organization

Mike Haven, CLOC's new president, believes the future of legal tech in-house will look a lot like an enterprise legal management system that pulls all of the tools attorneys need onto one platform.
6 minute read

International Edition

KPMG Law in Germany Seals Alliance with US Firm Ogletree

Other non-U.S. firms are expected to join the non-exclusive alliance over the coming months.
3 minute read

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