International Edition

Linklaters Ally Webber Wentzel and Female-Led Firm Bag Top Prizes at 2019 African Legal Awards

As well as exceeding their reach, this year's two big winners have shown a commitment to social justice and pro bono work.
2 minute read

Corporate Counsel

As Tech Dances Into Legal Departments, Clients and Firms Need to Learn How to Tango

As tech dances into legal departments, clients and firms need to learn how to Tango.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

Two Left Feet: What GCs Want from Legal Technology

Legal technology companies have to get out of their own way in vying for law department adoption.
9 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Reaching Critical Mass in the Land of Build, Buy or Rent

At what point does a Corporate Legal Department reach critical mass deserving of building, buying or renting e-discovery related-software, platforms and service provision capable of addressing your company's global litigation and investigation needs?
8 minute read

International Edition

Clydes Loses Five-Strong Private Client Team to Edinburgh Firm

The partner-led team joined the firm just four years ago as part of a merger.
2 minute read

International Edition

HSF Reduces Debt by More Than £80M in One Year

The reduction puts the firm on a steadier financial footing compared with its competitors, many of which have no debt.
2 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Four Matter Management Mistakes Your In-house Team Might Be Making

A matter management platform acts as a centralized system for all the legal department's activities, allows the team to track current information, and ultimately affects the larger outcomes and goals of the business.
5 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Virtual Reality: Tips for Successful Management of a Virtual Team

The primary challenge of managing a virtual team is building trust with and among people who are not in the same place. With minimal in-person interaction and visibility, the manager of a virtual team must use every opportunity to build trust with and within the team. Here are five tips for making the best use of each opportunity.
7 minute read

The American Lawyer

Litigation Finance Users Say They'd Do It Again, Survey Finds

Validity Finance and ALM Intelligence found that while most lawyers still haven't used third-party litigation funding, more than half of them are game to try it.
3 minute read

The American Lawyer

July Surge in Professional Jobs Leaves Legal Sector Behind

The legal industry was the exception to a strong month for job gains in the professional services market.
3 minute read

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