The American Lawyer

'Change' Is a Mantra for Law Firms, But Will They Tune In?

Challenges to the traditional law firm model can be solved, according to some, by one word: Process.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

Satisfied Attorneys Are the Overlooked Key to Revenue Growth

As law firms start another year with aggressive goals, isn't it self-limiting to only look at their clients' satisfaction and ignore the attorneys who are responsible for it?
7 minute read

International Edition

Bird & Bird posts double-digit H1 growth as LLPs shed light on management shake-up

Bird & Bird has achieved double-digit growth in both revenues and profits in its half-year results. The firm reported a 12% increase in revenue…
2 minute read

International Edition

Final BLP accounts show operating profit fell 21% in last year before US merger

BCLP posts first combined results since transatlantic tie-up as Addleshaws LLPs reveal value of HBJ merger
3 minute read

International Edition

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Touts Steady Revenues After Pre-Merger Losses in UK

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner announced its first combined results since its trans-Atlantic tie-up.
3 minute read

International Edition

Clyde & Co accounts reveal rising pay for top earner

US and European expansion boosts partner numbers and top pay figure
3 minute read

The American Lawyer

Law Firm Sales Push Growth of Alternative Services Providers, Report Says

Large law firms are increasingly turning to ALSPs, even if their concerns about the quality of the services remain.
5 minute read

For Midsize Firms, the Great Recession Was a Great Audition for Bigger Clients' Work

In many ways, the Great Recession highlighted the strengths of midsize firms, as legal departments increasingly felt internal pressure to reduce their legal spend without sacrificing the quality of their outside counsel.
6 minute read

The Recorder

What Is Business Acumen and How Do I Develop It?

What exactly is “business acumen”? Is it something a person is born with or is it something one can develop with education and diligence? If it's the latter, then what is the best way to achieve it?
6 minute read

The Recorder

Pillsbury Hits Record High Revenue as Partner Profits Soar

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman grew revenue by 9.6 percent, while profits per equity partner jumped 17.6 percent.
4 minute read

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