New York Law Journal

Size Up an Ideal Office Space

One of the earliest decisions a solo attorney must make is selecting an office.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Diversity Initiatives Shouldn't End With Recruiting—Consider Firm Spokespeople

By identifying diverse spokespeople, law firms can use media relations as a tool to enhance messaging around commitment to diversity and inclusion initiatives.
6 minute read

The American Lawyer

Stroock Doubles Down on Recruiting Amid Partner Moves

Despite a string of departures in a two-month period this year, leaders said the firm remains committed to a recent restructuring effort and confident about future growth.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

'This Is Not Greenberg Traurig': Firm Leader Touts New Innovation Venture

Chairman Richard Rosenbaum says a new subsidiary, Recurve, will craft innovation solutions for clients and other law firms, while Greenberg Traurig sticks with its real expertise: the law.
5 minute read

The American Lawyer

Should Firm Leaders Know How Individual Partners Vote on a Merger?

Some argue it doesn't matter because votes don't happen unless leaders are clear how their partners will land. But there are risks of holding an open vote, observers say.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Amid Partner Pay Struggles, CKR Law's Breakneck Growth Stops

When six bankruptcy lawyers left CKR Law last week, they were just the latest in a string of quiet departures that has put a damper on the firm's breakneck growth.
5 minute read

Pro Mid Market

Eyes on the Next Generation—Creating a Succession Plan That Fits Your Firm

During the life cycle of a law firm, there will be a time when it will be faced with the issue of succession planning. 
6 minute read

Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: The Perils of Bleeding Talent

Looking at why firms fall apart can offer lessons to other law firm leaders that are just as valuable as tips on how to grow your firm.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

Battling an 'Epidemic' of Loneliness Among Lawyers

It's not just something experienced by attorneys billing hours. Isolation is a reality for lawyers in various roles, said Eileen Travis, director of the New York City Bar Association's Lawyer Assistance Program.
10 minute read

Pro Mid Market

NYC's Walden Macht Boasts Profits Per Partner in Am Law 100 Range

"We believe our model rewards all forms of effort leading to the success of our firm. If ranked on the AM Law 100, we would be within the top 60 firms in terms of average profits per partner," Sean Casey said.
10 minute read


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