Corporate Counsel

CLM Software Is a Great Innovation. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Lots.

"There are a lot of buttons there. And there's a lot of things they can do. Whose job is it to own that? Whose job is it to train the rest of your user community on?"," former Impossible Foods legal operations manager Angela Mendenhall said.
4 minute read

1st Circuit Allows Free-Speech Lawsuit to Proceed Against State Court Over Revamped E-Filing System

News organizations were frustrated when the Maine Supreme Judicial Court implemented its electronic case filing system, making some civil case filings inaccessible for more than 90 days due to the new rules.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

'Change Resisters': Why Corporate Legal Ops Teams Want to Hear From Tech-Averse Attorneys

For a change management team to operate as it should, legal ops analysts say dissent is important to help to choose the right solution for the organization. But managing critics can be a balancing act for a team leader.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Legal Departments Receiving Mixed Reception Among Other Business Units, Leading Some to Bypass Legal

According to a new survey from Onit, more than half of sales, IT and procurement professionals don't view their interactions with legal positively, leading many departments to bypass legal to get work done, even if it is against company policy.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

'Legal Metrics Portal' Launches to Fill the Information Gap for New Legal Ops Professionals

After fielding questions about how exactly legal ops professionals can expedite their legal department's service delivery, CLOC founders have teamed up with international legal ops professionals to launch an open source metrics database.
4 minute read

Using Process Improvement and LPM for Competitive Advantages in Pricing and Fee Arrangements

This article explores the connection between process improvement, project management, and pricing. Clients want budget predictability, options in fee arrangements, and value. The firms that do this well, regardless of their size or location, will have the competitive advantage.
10 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

As Pandemic Loosens, It's Time for Women to Celebrate Accomplishments

As we dip our toes into the latest new normal with optimism, we felt compelled to look back at what we have learned over the past couple years and what it means going forward.
5 minute read

International Edition

The Legal Innovation Awards 2022: Who Won What and Why

Hosted by stand-up comedian Jimmy McGhie, the ceremony handed awards to the firms and individuals driving revolutionary change in the legal market.
12 minute read

'We've Set Up a Trap': A Little-Known Rule Change Is Causing Big Trouble for Lawyers

Washington, D.C. ethics lawyers say an important change to a local bar rule for handling client money has flown under the radar for decades—and it keeps tripping up attorneys.
10 minute read

Legaltech News

Corporate Legal Departments Are Focusing Their Outsourcing Efforts

A new survey on legal outsourcing from Wolters Kluwer finds that corporate legal and compliance departments are becoming more selective about which providers get which type of work—and the Big 4 doesn't have much momentum.
4 minute read


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