International Edition

KPMG to launch legal consultancy arm in the UK

Big Four firm takes another step to tap into the country's legal market
2 minute read

Legaltech News

Will a New 'Standard' to Describe Legal Work Help Innovation Thrive?

The Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry (SALI) Alliance hopes standard language will allow clients to compare how law firms performed on similar types of matters.
6 minute read

The American Lawyer

Will a New 'Standard' to Describe Legal Work Help Innovation Thrive?

An ambitious group of law firms, clients and legal tech firms are developing a new language to measure value in the legal services market.
6 minute read

Litigation Daily

Litigation Funder Makes a Case for More Transparency

The judiciary should adopt rules that require funded parties to disclose the fact they are being funded and the identity of the litigation funder funding the dispute. The rule adopted should expressly limit further discovery beyond those points except in the extreme circumstances described.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Perspectives From a Litigation Funder: The Case for Sensible Disclosure

The judiciary should adopt rules that require funded parties to disclose the fact they are being funded and the identity of the litigation funder funding the dispute. The rule adopted should expressly limit further discovery beyond those points except in the extreme circumstances described.
9 minute read

The American Lawyer

'Change' Is a Mantra for Law Firms, But Will They Tune In?

Challenges to the traditional law firm model can be solved, according to some, by one word: Process.
4 minute read

The American Lawyer

Should Clients Do More to Force Law Firms to Innovate?

Panelists told an audience at Legalweek in New York that when it comes to innovation, client demand is key. But law firms can also gain an edge by standing out.
4 minute read

International Edition

'You can't drive change if you don't drive relationships' – rebuilding trust between firms and clients

Why in-house lawyers need to move away from 'transactional' interactions with firms and build trust-based relationships
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Reed Smith's Tech Subsidiary GravityStack Hits Maturity Milestone

With its first on-premise licensing deal with Toronto-based law firm McCarthy Tétrault, Reed Smith's GravityStack has evolved from a cloud-based provider to a full-service tech company.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Casey Flaherty, Jae Um Join Baker McKenzie's Innovation Team

The former consultants will serve as part of a larger team Baker McKenzie has been building aimed at re-engineering the delivery of the firm's services.
4 minute read


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