National Law Journal

Protecting the Disabled, in Jail and in School

For the six weeks Abreham Zemedagegehu — an Ethiopian deaf man charged with theft — was jailed in Arlington County, he was not given access…
3 minute read

National Law Journal

A SCOTUS Win Over Florida Death Sentencing

In 2016, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr pro bono lawyers upended the death sentencing scheme in Florida and other states, opened the door to potentially thousands of dollars in federal contracts for veteran-owned small businesses, and reined in how certain offenses count toward deportation and enhanced sentences. And that was just in the U.S. Supreme Court.
7 minute read

Litigation Daily

Lateral Report: The Few, the Proud, the March Movers

There weren't many run-of-the-mill lateral litigator moves in March, the kind where a mid-level partner at Big Firm A moves to Big Firm B, spouting something about platforms and synergy. Instead, the most notable March moves were propelled by something extra.
7 minute read

The American Lawyer

Sidley, Bay Area Boutique Among Top Baseball Billers

San Francisco-based Altshuler Berzon and Sidley Austin were among a dozen outside law firms to have received payments in 2016 from the Major League Baseball Players Association. The labor union, one of the most powerful in professional sports, disclosed the fees in an annual Labor Department filing.
31 minute read

The American Lawyer

Ex-Reed Smith Partner's Suicide Trial Highlights Anxiety in Big Law Mergers

Before Stewart Dolin's suicide in 2010, he told his therapist he felt inadequate as a Reed Smith practice leader. It's a feeling therapists say that lawyers, as a group, often struggle with, especially following mergers. But Big Law has a zip-lipped culture when it comes to mental health concerns.
41 minute read

Daily Report Online

Partner Pipeline Slows for Atlanta Law Firms

Fewer associates made partner this year at big firms in the city. Most who did were men.
8 minute read

Client is King

How can law firms adequately develop a value proposition that meets, or better yet, exceeds the expectations of their law department clients? Step one. Ask them.
5 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

PaLaw 2016: Annual Report on the Legal Profession

Welcome to the 23rd edition of PaLaw: Annual Report on the Legal Profession. As is the case every year, our aim with this magazine is to thoroughly encapsulate the past year in the Pennsylvania legal community.
14 minute read

Daily Business Review

Fla. Firm Leaders Bullish on 2017; Eyes on Real Estate, Corporate Work

Following a year marked by a contentious presidential election and likely changes to come in U.S. policy prescriptions, law firm leaders in Florida are largely optimistic about their firms going into 2017 and expect to see growth in Miami, according to a recent survey of firm leaders and administrators in the region.
7 minute read

RoboLaw: A Q&A With Littler's AI Practice Leader Garry Mathiason

Veteran class action litigator Garry Mathiason recently traded his firm management role for a new challenge, co-chairing the firm's emergent Robotics, AI, and Automation practice group. Mathiason sat down with ALM Director of Intelligence Dirk Olin to discuss the new group as well as the brave new world of the law machine.
9 minute read


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