The American Lawyer

Artificial Intelligence Beats Big Law Partners in Legal Matchup

Lawyers from DLA Piper, Allen & Overy and other firms were soundly beaten in a first-of-its-kind challenge against software developed by Cambridge University law students.
16 minute read

Legaltech News

The Dark Side of AI in Law

Panelists at the College of Law Practice Management's Futures Conference discussed the potential ethical concerns posed by AI.
9 minute read

Brynly Llyr: Ripple and the Legal Challenges Facing Cryptocurrencies

This week on's Unprecedented podcast we talk to Brynly Llyr, general counsel at Ripple Labs, a blockchain company focused on facilitating cross-border money transfers.
1 minute read

Legaltech News

3 Reasons Why Data-Driven Budgeting Fails to Take At Law Firms

Law firm pricing managers discuss the hard lessons they learned developing data-centric pricing and budgeting processes inside their firms.
18 minute read

Legaltech News

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Business Process Management and Law Firms

One major area that can bring about progress from the bottom-up has yet to be optimized: the workflow.
7 minute read

Daily Business Review

Video: The Next Step in Building Your Brand

Social media changes every day. What was once a few outlets used to connect with friends and family has turned into a mass industry capable of growing business, developing client relationships and taking your brand to the next level.
5 minute read

Legaltech News

5 Reasons Tech Companies Should Consider International Arbitration

And because it's vitally important to get the basic framework right, an additional five steps to help international arbitrations work for you.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

4 Steps for Law Firm Cybersecurity Assessments

Knowing where to begin addressing cybersecurity can be overwhelming, but can be made less so by starting with a few simple steps.
5 minute read

Texas Lawyer

From Internet Sensation to Silence: Why Has Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett Stopped Tweeting?

For a man who considers himself  “the most avid social-media judge in America”, Don Willett's monthlong silence on Twitter is almost deafening.Willett…
5 minute read

Legaltech News

Despite Growing Cyber Risk, EMEA Corporations Slow to Adopt Cyber Insurance

While many wait to see the effects of future cyberthreats, and of regulations like the GDPR, the adoption of cyberinsurance remained stunted in the EMEA region in 2016
11 minute read

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