The American Lawyer

LegalZoom Gets Green Light to Hire Attorneys in Arizona

The Arizona Supreme Court has signed off on the publicly traded company's application for an alternative business structure license.
2 minute read

Legaltech News

In Modern E-Billing, A Flag Is a Failure

Chances are your current legal invoice review system is at best set up to flag issues and nothing more. As your legal department grows in maturity, so should the tools you leverage to handle your e-billing.
7 minute read

Legaltech News

'Next Frontier' for In-House Tech? Former ACC VP, Now at Epiq, Points to Data Insights

Epiq's new senior director of strategic intelligence and advisor Catherine Moynihan believes that legal departments will soon be able to broaden their technology goals beyond just efficiency.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

ContractPodAi Raises $115 Million to Fuel CLM, 'Platformization' Growth

The CEO of the London-headquartered CLM provider notes the funding will be leveraged to meet enterprises' demand for more consolidated tech infrastructure.
3 minute read

Legaltech News

Law Firm Marketing Spend Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels, But Tech Increasingly Area of Focus

Firms are asking "what will we need, as a firm, in the future?" and the answer is to recruit specialized professionals in data analytics and digital branding to inform a marketing department's "sector strategy," one industry watcher said.
6 minute read

Illinois' July 2021 Bar Exam Results Likely Delayed by Probe Into Test's Tech Issues

The announcement came the same day that the California State Bar announced the findings of its own investigation into glitches test-takers faced.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Lawyer Ownership of Alternative Business Structures: A Tiny Step Toward the Future

In this edition of his Professional Responsibility column, Anthony E. Davis examines Formal Opinion 499 (Passive Investment in Alternative Business Structures) just issued by the ABA's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility. He looks at the Opinion from two perspectives: what (limited) progress it represents in addressing the need to reform the regulatory system governing lawyers; and what it leaves undone, hopefully to be addressed another day.
7 minute read

The Recorder

Mistrial in Backpage Founders' Criminal Case Followed Several Rejected Requests

A mistrial in the federal prostitution and money laundering case against the co-founders of Backpage highlights the challenges of bringing cases against tech executives for individual conduct that's also related to a broader company effort, such as a popular website or subscription-based service.
6 minute read

Legaltech News

Clients and Firms Don't Often Talk Tech, Leaving Lawyers Reading Between the Lines

Many clients don't discuss their legal technology needs with firms, leaving many outside counsel digging into RFPs for clues. But understanding and meeting client needs isn't always straightforward.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

The New Normal: Why the Electronic Transmission of Interlocutory Civil Litigation Documents in the Age of COVID-19 Is Here To Stay (and Where the CPLR Needs To Catch Up)

While there are many benefits to the shift to paperless practice (which for many New York attorneys already pre-dates COVID-19), there are some habits that are worth mentioning specifically on account of their benefits/contributions to the efficient and economical practice of law in New York state.
6 minute read

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